Women in particular get irritated when I ask for or give directions by points on the compass.
As I’m equally flummoxed when they’ll say to me...”turn toward the river then go up until you see the Starbucks then turn left at the bed and breakfast and when you get to the yellow house you’re there. Come on, It’s across…
You have GOT to be kidding.
I’ve seen plenty of Masters students that would get stumped by things like that.
Never confuse having an education with being smart. They are definitely two different things.
Half of the students at my local university don’t even know the cardinal directions. To wit: I call them to meet me at the west entrance of their dorm. The dorm is called Dorm West. Dorm East is directly to the east of Dorm West. With these clues, you would think anyone smart enough to get into college would be able…
“Republican men were more likely than Democratic men to correctly locate North Korea and were in favor of the diplomatic approaches offered by the researchers; women, regardless of party affiliation, were able to find the country at similar rates, the Times noted.”
Did you just gloss over the part where male Democrats were LESS likely to correctly locate North Korea than male Republicans
Neat truck, and I’m glad it exists, but that’s not my overwhelming sentiment after reading it. That would be: I can’t believe that midsize trucks are 5,000 lbs now. What the hell happened?
If you are considering a Focus RS, then you don’t need a truck.
So it needs a small block V8, got it.
There are three different weights listed in the article. I imagine one of them is a typo. But man does this show what aerodynamics does for a vehicle. My full size truck weighs more (although only slightly; this thing is a pig), has a V8, and gets better fuel economy (and equivalent to the diesel, with more horsepower…
That’s a lot of dollars.
Detroit isn’t electronically selectable.
Thanks, but nothing will replace the solid “BANG” of a Detroit Locker locking and unlocking
What kind of Locker does it have? Because the best is a Detroit Locker.