
Thorough, respected and COMPELLING. I’d read his grocery lists.

I figured it was a scar caused by the friction of the giant brass balls of the crew of the tanker dragging down the runway.

The mark on the runway isn’t from the f4, it’s a result of the pilot’s pants finally exploding.

My favorite story so far today

This, so much of this.

On some level, I’m sure it works and all, but I can’t help but oppose the use of an increasingly hard to find original* classic game controller.

Nah, man, in this case the tool bag is behind the camera.

Came here to see FWD mentioned some where in the comments. Leaving satisfied.

It is ALWAYS Comcast’s fault...

I blame comcast for my Internet’s occasional slowness and I’m not even in a continent where comcast operates.

I don’t know how, but I bet this is all comcast’s fault

Huh. Learned something new today.

This list could also be titled as “Top 10 reasons I drive 800 miles from Atlanta to New Jersey every Thanksgiving.”

I’ll be damned if I’ll let facts like a double-acting hull get in the way of a joke. So I’m plowing ahead.

I have found proof that VW diesels are not melting the ice caps

Fun story about ice breakers: they are often dual hull designs (and ice breaking bow and keel on one end and an open water bow and keel on the other) because icebreaker hulls are terrible in open water so they are designed to turn around in open water and sail one way and then flip around completely when they get to

its a Russian apartment complex, just look at that superstructure, what is is 4 storey's high, 200 senior citizen apartments. its fueled by complaints from old people.

i would pay to see that