
I’m 6’3 and even a fraction of an inch means death for my knee caps, so please go get doublefucked by an airplane seat armrest

Ahhhh, so Ed-Bok is the asshole I always sit behind on the plane. You reclining means I am absolutely uncomfortable for the duration of the flight, and there’s definitely no way I can use my tray table since it’s now right on top of my legs. But I’m glad you’re comfortable.

Reclining makes you an asshole. This is a fact.

What if the person behind you is 6’4” (or taller) and reclining even a tiny bit crushes the shit of their knee caps. Recliners can get fucked a trillion times over.

If only congress could be more like him.

Why don’t commercial aircraft have landing gear that can yaw to follow the direction of travel? B-52s have this tech and use it quite successfully. They just lock the gear to the runway’s heading.

Like a (Air) boss.

New VW slogan ideas:

“Volkswagen TDI torque NOX your socks off!”
“VW TDI: Nitrous is standard. Lots of it.”
“The Golf TDI: now with guaranteed smog passage for life.”
“The VW SportWagen TDI with Fender Audio: loud enough to drown out the cries of Sierra Club members on your next outdoor adventure.”
“The Jetta TDI: because

A masterpiece. Absolutely brilliant. They should air this as a trailer for Jalopnik Film Festival.


they are there to protect all the personal info the NSA has collected at the Utah Data Center as well as all the extraterestrial viruses they have at Dugway

I bet somewhere someone on the ground was doing this.

C’mon. It’s a pretty badass looking aircraft.

Did anyone suggest the Cadillac Cien?

Needs more Cadillac 16. And maybe a Citroen Metropolis

That tactic only hides them. There are some that you can right-click and uninstall. The others I had to use Powershell as administrator to get rid of (like Groove Music and the like).