I’m 6’3 and even a fraction of an inch means death for my knee caps, so please go get doublefucked by an airplane seat armrest
Ahhhh, so Ed-Bok is the asshole I always sit behind on the plane. You reclining means I am absolutely uncomfortable for the duration of the flight, and there’s definitely no way I can use my tray table since it’s now right on top of my legs. But I’m glad you’re comfortable.
Reclining makes you an asshole. This is a fact.
What if the person behind you is 6’4” (or taller) and reclining even a tiny bit crushes the shit of their knee caps. Recliners can get fucked a trillion times over.
If only congress could be more like him.
Like a (Air) boss.
New VW slogan ideas:
“Volkswagen TDI torque NOX your socks off!”
“VW TDI: Nitrous is standard. Lots of it.”
“The Golf TDI: now with guaranteed smog passage for life.”
“The VW SportWagen TDI with Fender Audio: loud enough to drown out the cries of Sierra Club members on your next outdoor adventure.”
“The Jetta TDI: because…
A lot of people are very upset about Volkswagen’s ongoing diesel emissions cheating scandal: the EPA, TDI owners,…
The F-35A has just begun training flights at Hill Air Force Base in Utah. The event was celebrated with a tower…
Did anyone suggest the Cadillac Cien?
Needs more Cadillac 16. And maybe a Citroen Metropolis
That tactic only hides them. There are some that you can right-click and uninstall. The others I had to use Powershell as administrator to get rid of (like Groove Music and the like).