Why are you driving anything modern? True Jalops drive old beaters.
Why are you driving anything modern? True Jalops drive old beaters.
Window rolled down, left elbow on the window sill, right hand on the top of the steering wheel. Fight me.
A Hyundai Santa Fe is a large SUV?
Are you sure?
We’ll see how long this holds water.
Make it out of wood!
Ah, so it’s retroactive naming fuckery. Got it. :)
Neutral: I’m GM. I do what GM does. Fuck it up.
Is that what is stands for? Damn. For some reason, I always thought it was Catera Touring Sedan after the Catera was retired. The DTS and STS were basically DeVille Touring Sedan and SeVille Touring Sedan, since they replaced the DeVille and SeVille, right? Or am I just completely off-base here?
Cars looked cooler in the 80s.
Anything designed so that the user has to press something shiny/chrome is a bad design. Whatever it is will be covered with greasy fingerprints in about 0.3 seconds because you know people never wash their gross hands. :)
Where’s David Tracy? Someone needs to show him this. He doesn’t need to worry about that cracked head in his DJ now because he can just make a new one out of wood. He can make the frame out of wood, too. The frame can’t rust if there’s no metal to oxidize. Genius!
If the car can’t go as fast as the limiter, then why bother putting the limiter in at all?
“Alexa. Send a message to David Murphy that says you’re a poopie head.”
Of course they had to do this. They keep making the engines smaller, so the numbers on the trunk get smaller as well. Everyone knows that bigger numbers means more better, so they have to get bigger more better numbers from somewhere else. Where can we get more bigger more better numbers? Torques. Torques have more…
That sounds... horrific. o_o
As someone that’s been living in the Houston area for about 10 years now, I will not miss 610 when I move soon. Houston can keep its traffic jams and giant cable spools.
Still the fastest thing on The Grid.