

Those GE-90s are pretty awesome.

I understand, but it still looks stupid. I like the idea of multiple smaller vertical tail surfaces. You can have the same vertical square footage and control surface area without the ridiculous height and wacky proportions of a huge single tail. I’m sure the manufacturers use giant single tails because it’s cheaper,

See, I like the chubby look of the 500 series. Other versions, like the 800 and 900 series look far too long and skinny, like the 757. They just don’t look right to me. And the old engines looked too small as well.

That’s the older, shorter version of the tail used on 737s. The new one is even bigger, and it looks ridiculous. I think the old one is still a little too tall as well, but it’s not nearly as bad as the new one, which is about as big as one of the actual wings on an old 737.

I’ve felt the same way about the tail ever since they introduced it. IMO, the best looking 737 is the 500 series.

Ok, that deserves a star.

Well, I mean, it would still be a ‘Vette.

(Just to be contrary.)

Having owned and maintained several GM vehicles, I can’t deny your logic.

They’re learning from EA.

I could probably accept that, but I have doubts it’ll actually happen that way. Won’t know until it’s revealed, I guess.

They are two separate issues. I do not like the overall shape of this car, personally. It looks like just about any Ferrari from the past 20 years, and I don’t particularly care for those, either.

I’m just gonna say it.

Jag Rep: *shows up*

That idea sucks.

I found it at Walmart, believe it or not. :)