J. Drew Silvers

Wow... possibly the dumbest and most clueless comment ever posted here. And thats SAYING something!

You’re on the wrong site. Jezebel is that way ====>.

More Kat C? in the morning? Yes, please!

You could do like the other 97% of the US and actively ignore your neighbors.

I replied to this just so everyone can see what being a dick looks like. Happy 4th! I won’t be replying again.

Nope. Southern (South Carolinian), white, Christian (sorta) replying. I think this is the tackiest thing I've ever heard of. This girl should DIE of shame for pulling something like this.

You have a leak in the system somewhere. Refrigerant doesn’t just up and lose its potency. It’s getting out somewhere, probably through a small and slow leak. A charge may get you through the year, but ultimately you need more than a charge.

Richard Rawlings’ lack of evidence for his 31:59 cross country “record.”

“Any day now, I promise. BTW, can you cut me that (nonrefundable) deposit check?”

I’ll just leave this here....

____________ just needs _____________.

What do I win?

“A/C just needs a charge”

Hybrid’s, brought on by the auto companies themselves.

Any option delete that costs money. No, I’m not going to call out Porsche.

Sounds like you mostly just hate her for being successful. I mean, to each their own in terms of musical style or whatever, but Taylor Swift is one of the most likeable current celebrities out there, even if it all is just branding. Girl is an excellent businesswoman.
