J. Drew Silvers

92-95 F150s have always been a favorite of mine. Especially the clean lines of the interior.

I don’t agree with this choice. I think it’s a bit too vulgar what he wants. I could be wrong as I don’t know the guy, but I hardly think it fits the “classic” bill.

Joe wants to be “different” but he wants “mainstream” convenience. Hipsters... Anyways, what that means is that he needs to find a vehicle that shares a commonality of parts with the “pedestrian” versions of classic cars. So he’s some suggestions...

Dude wants a big comfy American cruiser where he can put the top down... Just get a Fairlane

Hell - I’ll sell you mine for $20k - all sorted out except for overdrive.


I don’t care about android, cause I don’t use it, android users care about apple though because somewhere, deep down, they still feel inferior. i firmly believe that. you need to search deep within yourself and answer that question. why are

you android people are still so pissy after all these years......... wtf.... i just don’t get it.... why? who cares? why do you want everyone around you using what you’re using? why do you care what other people are using? why do you care what they’ve spent their money on? be happy with your own phone and move on. BUT

How boring old and moronic is this comment? Can you uninstall all that bloatware on all those android phones? care to go down the entire list and list the equivalent to each one?

Nobody gives a shit about Android.

For every story about iOS, 20 insecure Android weirdos in the comments.

How does a sticker justify damaging someone else’s car?

I like Chris Fix and Eric The Car Guy. Both pretty approachable, practical advice. Eric’s seems to be a little more nuanced he does a lot of Honda stuff which helps me keep my old Acura alive.

I remember that! Was really happy to see people put their money where their mouths are. Imagine how much money this dude has saved people over the years. It has to be in the hundreds of thousands! I mean shit, just between me and my roommate on our V70's he has saved us so much time showing how to do it the right way

I’m subbed to him. Great stuff.

When he was doing his last pass through the US (yes, he went around the whole continental US) I was ticked that I didn’t have a particular issue to have him help out with.

Now playing

Being an old Volvo owner... wait that didn’t sound right.

Now playing

ChrisFix has helped me out a time or two.

Now playing

This guy is a legend among the P80 generation Volvo guys. Has a damn video for everything, I mean everything on these cars. Not only great knowledge but actually puts together a pretty damn nice walk through as well. Really nice guy as well.