
@se7a7n7: I'll only be impressed if you can select desired crispiness too.

@Lizard_King: Mind control sounds like the best answer.

I see the need of a dialing wand in its future.

There isn't going to be a coating. They've made it so that the human acts as an antenna. Best. Signal. Ever.

@Go Vols!: The same way they figure out what channel everyone is watching, they ask.

@NaraVara: With affluence comes fancier phones and fancy friends with fancier phones. Mobile email marginalizes texting, chances are the affluent are sending three or four times the amount of others if you were to measure at the character level.

@Nihilexistentialist: Generalizations aren't prejudicial or racist until they are hate inspired. albokay is just correlating information.

@Grégory Jourdan: I was thinking the same thing. Race, ethnicity, and everything aside. I'm sure there is a correlation between employment/income and phone usage.

@G-Ram: I agree. 400+ 3inch displays draped over her. Genius.

@Facebook: And then make that a newsfeed event. "Drewbert defriended Sam. via YourStatusUpdateWasBotheringMe

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: It's like an 'arange on a toothpick that thing. He'll be cryin' himself to sleep on 'is 'uge pilla. (And now we've made it full circle. Boo to anyone who thought any of that was irrelevant.)

@tucker augie'ben'doggy: "You know, what this room needs is a really big oversized poster of Atlantic City. Oh look, you've got one."

@Harlan: Nope. The punishment is flipping over the handlebars and dying.

The biggest drawback isn't the price, it's not being able to do the Darth Vadar voice.

@JakeMG: Omega Man: I like this theory. White iPhone sure does scream TMobile in my mind. Or maybe the reason for delay is Steve just won't let Verizon put there logo on the outside of the device.

I bet the Germans in the 60s are pretty jealous of this.

@showbiz2: ultimately it is the across all the devices that is most important. Availability to everyone is primary.