
Feels good in the hand? TWSS anyone?

This is awesome. A silent alarm that wakes me not my wife. She'll love it. I'll slip right out of bed. She won't even notice. Then I'll take off the LARK to go take a shower and...oh...wait...it's velcro. Now I woke my wife up. Who designed this thing?

That may hold 1,000 lbs but no one that weighs more than 300 lbs can even fit in that stall of a bathroom.

You make it sound like this is an unusual occurrence this week. ISS passings happen pretty regularly. [www.spaceweather.com] or http://heavens-above.com are other good sites to find information about ISS and other satellite flybys. Also follow @twisst for updates (making sure you have your location in your twitter bio)

Lets do away with all of it. Dogs and real security forces, with large automatic weapons guarding the "TSA" line. Honestly I'd be more comfortable with a dog sniffing my nuts than some fat guy rubbing them.

@johnnyabnormal: I can't tell you the things that I've smuggled in my... nevermind.

@PRE(view): We had a discussion this weekend and this was my argument.

David Hockney is an EXCELLENT cubist photographer. He does it with Polaroids and tape.

@targheeview: @targheeview: ‎"The right to travel is a part of the "liberty" of which a citizen cannot be deprived without due process of law under the Fifth Amendment." - US Supreme Court, Kent vs. Dulles

@moonshadowkati: I had the same thought. I see collaboration in the future.

I think if TSA is going to continue to operate they should back up their need to do all this. Show me the list of people, actual threats, you stopped by peeking under peoples underwear. And I don't mean the 85 year old man with the pocket knife on his keys.

Why is Applebee's in there?

@abates25: They only turn them on for the week.

I'm ok with this on one condition. Can we restrict the weight and/or size of those sitting in these rows?

Safety first!

@vinod1978: ...or hit mute and make me think I have my thumb on the trouble spot. ...or go on speaker when the other person is talking about what I really think of my boss.

@Turboner:...-some...people are into that.

Umm, that's what she said. Seriously.

When I go to a nice hotel with my wife she's always commenting about how the drapes would work in our living room, or she likes the light fixture for the bedroom. Whatever. Either way she is thinking about spending money somewhere other than where she is. In a casino I don't want to buy anything but more chips, and