
This is so funny to me, because I’d rather smash my balls with a hammer than pay a penny more than I have to on wheels. Or tires. Both are consumables in my opinion, so steelies without wheel covers is what I run on everything. I couldn’t care less what they look like, and I only notice wheels on other people’s cars

I’ve had a tire machine for 30 years easily. Coats 220.  Paid for itself a thousand times over. Static balance only though.

Yes? 100% it does.

My Tercel has 93 and it’s pretty much fine.  It’s not the HP that makes it nerve wracking on SoCal freeways.

My old EvoVIII dyno’s (Mustang) at 215 whp brand new. It was plenty fast for a street car, already too fast too get on it all the way through 2nd or 3rd 99% of places.

It isn’t smoking tho? That’s the whole point isn’t it?

I just think it’s super hypocritical that vapes, which mitigate all the annoyances people claim they suffer from smoking, end up getting banned because it looks too much like smoking. Folks vaping inside doesn’t bother me a bit if they aren’t cranking it up to generate clouds on purpose. You can vape with no visible

I don’t do either, but at least I realize the difference between smoke and water vapor. 

It’s any cheap V8 w/ RWD, so they are fucking up Lexus’s as well.

It’s a 2 door convertible traditionally. The Fiata and Miata are the only 2 on this list.

If you got a V8 Vega to hook up it would bend like a pretzel.  Crease the roof and sit on 3 wheels twist. You need to do some serious reinforcement first.

My mom drove a 73 with a auto on the freaking Autobahn. We would get passed on the regular by 2CVs. Felt like the car was going to fly apart by 65. Brand New too.

Total opposite here. Upper middle class Asians.

I’ve never even used regular cruise. never seen the need for it. It’s not hard to maintain a constant speed. When I sold my last car, the buyer had to show me how to turn it on, because I didn’t know if it worked. Why the button is by my left knee while the controls are on the wheel I couldn’t tell you.

but only 10% of vehicles carry front-seat passengers daily.

The vast majority of that list is straight up hideous, the rest are meh.

Overpriced tho. They went upscale fairly early and kept adding features. I’d have bought a base minivan in a second, but I didn’t need ANY 2nd or 3rd row options because those seats were coming out on day 1 and never going back in.

Hell, I’ll bet a clean factory 4 into 2 for a CB750 is probably well over $2K now. There was a solid couple decades where like 50% of factory exhausts were thrown away almost brand new.

Transferable M60s run about $60K. Transferable mini gun is like $200K.

750,000 legal machine guns in the US.