Dre Mosley

The show is almost unrecognizable compared to where your left off. Show went completely off the rails.

Really bad when you have gotten to the point where you can't stand the main character anymore. She's becoming really unlikable.

Nice to see Danny Pino, he's always a great addition to a show.

Good God, other than Abby and Susan, nobody is likeable on this show. Just a bunch of immoral scumbags.

Remember season 1 and 2? Yeah, I want that show back.

Real bitch move, Hakeem.

The big evil military unit thing is such a cliche. Enough with that shit.

Agreed. Interesting characters that we care about is the key ingredient missing here.

Yeah, this slow pace and this so called buildup they've been doing each week just isn't quite working for me.

During all that rioting, chaos, and mayhem, somehow their truck was left totally untouched, lol.

I was a little irritated by how mom isn't even attempting to shed light on things for her daughter. You need to start talking, mom.

I can already tell that angsty daughter will annoy me.

What a turd this was. This season overall, actually.

This show has gone off the rails, and while I'm not that squeamish, I don't need to watch two sadists once again torture someone, and it says a lot about Olivia that she is supporting this torture.

I nearly changed the channel when Rowan started talking. His long winded speeches have gotten old.

Yeah. . . .no.

LOL. That sculptor needs to give the money back.

Huck needs to be put down. He's irreparably broken. I have never liked this character. He was dull in Season One, and now it's just become this nuisance. The wide-eyed, mouth breathing nutjob act is tiresome. I'd rather have a Rowan monologue a week than to deal with Huck any longer.

Glad this kidnapping thing is over. I didn't care for these past two episodes.

I am so over Huck and his "I'm Mr. Fucked Up." act. He's the one character I've never cared for.