Dre Mosley

Yep. My first thought was, "Well, she's got on her 'go and fuck Bill' gown!"

It's times like this where I wish they hadn't strayed so damn far from the source material.

LOL, and just think, them being married in real life, they do that sort of thing for REAL. ;)

*Sigh* I keep asking myself why I continue to watch. Oh well. See you all in the comments section next week!

Terry was cool up to a point. Then even he got annoying. The whole smoke monster storyline really got me over him and I felt nothing when he died.

She's awful Every time she has a scene, you just know she's gonna pull some groan inducing shit. Nothing against the actress who plays her, but of all the characters they've had over the years to turn into show regulars. . . .her?

Agreed. SO much lost potential there. I thought the writers would really do something with the Tara/Pam/Jessica thing. Sigh. . . .

That hyper-agressive, immature Violet has gotten so tiresome. Please, someone stake her.

It was a stupid, lame call and it cheapened her death more than anything. They fucked up.

Sarah Newlin probably has the cure or knows people who can cure it.

"I don't know if you two are fuckin' right now, but it's gonna have to stop" - LOL, oh, that Jason Stackhouse.

I groan anytime Tara's crazy ass mom is on screen.

Man, what a ride! Easily one of the best seasons in the show's history. The 12 episode approached worked very well.

Finally! A good episode this season.

Man, is this show limping out its last season. Not a solid episode yet.

But she's part fairy like Sookie, and glamoring doesn't work.

The actress who plays Tara's mom was promoted to cast regular for this final season, so unfortunately, we'll be seeing more of her then we'd like.