Dre Mosley

The writers know that this show has gone off the rails, so now they're just like, "To hell with it."

Huck needs to be put down.

You're correct, but it's my right to watch it and comment and complain like everyone else here. Got it? Good.

LOL, I'm sorry, I can't take that female villain seriously. She's silly, and annoying, not menacing. Do we really need yet another vague, shadowy organization?

Yeah, and who is that goofy lady in the red dress who threatened Olivia's father supposed to be?

All went downhill when they totally abandoned the Case-of-the-Week format.

LOL. yeah, this little girl and her "I look like a Starbucks Barista" of a teacher terrorist plot is silly.

Oh my God, that clumsy, budding romance between Huck and his little annoying waif girl is cringe-worthy. Huck should have been killed off like three seasons ago. Never have like this nutcase.

And the hatewatching continues. Pretty much every character on this show, I either flat out dislike or am indifferent towards.

What a creep this guy was. He has these spooky dead eyes the entire time.

So this show has a "Hershel" and a "Shane" . . .sorta.

Not a bad episode. The most interesting things on the show right now are Susan and the little sexual tension that's been building between Mellie and Marcus.

*Sigh. . .*

If Jake kills himself, please take Rowan, Mr "Look at me, I'm craaazy!(Huck)", and pretty much anyone involved in that B613 crap.

Just sheer hate-watching at this point. Good god, what a trainwreck. Abso-fuckin-lutely awful.

Wow. . .this show is pretty much nothing like the first two or three seasons. Almost don't recognize it. Are we gonna have Liv, Poppa and Jake all eating at a table every episode from this point on?

No one insulted anybody. Stating that someone is short(and that 's all I did), in itself is not an insult.

Average for a white male in the US is 5'10" and has been for quite some time.

No it isn't. Stating that someone is short, is not shaming, but hey let's not let rational thought get in the way of your hypersensitivity.

Don't forget Stallone. He's short too. 5'8"