
N64 was 3 years late from it’s original launch date. Making it was development hell.


I know. I was teasing any haters as well.


It’s too big a charge for so lititle time.

Cab people get off steams cock? Heche not even overwatch is on steam.

I’m a Zarya main....don’t have that Mei problem when I have my bubbles.

The guy come of jumped on the frozen guy and escaped.

People shipped characters on less.

Then why is hanz9 no where near mcree?

The second he was seen in a bar with Sombra.

Yet another reason why 2016 sucks. May she rest in peace.

But McHanzo, Widowtracer and Pharmercy all went down in smoke......

This is not pandering.

yep they miss spelled soldier.

That’s easy to explain. MP match are non canon or just practice matches vs a vi simulator.

Sorry but zenyatta is genji’s therapist.

And Russia can shut up about people who technicaly sleep with the opposite sex.

Zarya maybe bI and that guy is Pharaha’s dad.

They can just make her bi and tell russia to shut up.