yung bramblepelt

You seem to think people are demanding that she...not exist? Have you not heard of carbon offsets?

You think they saw a car in the water and managed to find out if the person was religious first? You dumb

In my experience, the average person thinks it’s illegal to pass on the right. Importantly, they think this applies to situations like a three-lane high way. The only place it’s commonly illegal is in a lane only meant for one vehicle; the most common situation is when a car is turning left, directly ahead of you in

6000psi air tank + giant battery pack runaway fire = the type of car explosions you see in movies? 

I had a feeling there’d be a comment like this. Did you read it? This was a drunk driver. It doesn’t get shittier driver than that. By all accounts she was in the bike lane, doing what she was supposed to be doing. Pretty cut and dry.

My coins go to Orlove, Torchinsky’s David Tracy Technique, and Jose. Thank you all for your contributions, though.

The tonnage has literally increased fourfold since that time. Don’t assume that the analyst was ignorant of that fact just because you were ignorant of this one. The significance of the Suez Canal was big then and is far greater now.

Flat towing is a act of automotive abuse, change my view

I wonder if they have any tales about people who were in cars. Probably not eh

Clearly you're being intentionally obtuse, nobody is this stupid. 

Pretty sure Dodge has the trademark on these already, but they're both Stellantis brands so no bih

And lol that last guy is lane-splitting like he’s playing GTA. Like, let me fuck around and see if I can do this ridiculous thing where I’ll come back to life if I find out I can’t. And in Russia, no less.

The doors are a great example. Technically, the “mistake” was that they didn’t look for traffic before opening the door. However, motorcyclists should all know, a lot of dead people had the right of way. Your moral high ground does not provide much medical advantage. Don’t put your life in someone else’s hands.

It does if you have to break the law in order to not get heat stroke? What are you smoking? You get heat stroke walking outside because you’re exerting yourself, and you have nothing to shield you from the sun or cool you down. There are plenty of modes of transport that do that, hence the suggestion. Don’t be dense.

Riding this thing and calling the Cozy Coupe kids "cagers" 

I think this is, just like SNL, a case of the version you grew up with being "the best one". I appreciate that the 2nd gen was the last real driver's car, but if I'm passing it down to my kid I want the peace of mind of the stronger a-pillars after the new crash standards were introduced. 

Yeah I mean there’s really no middle ground between not publishing pedophile poetry and the death penalty, that’s for sure

I agree that income inequality is odious. But rich patrons of the arts (which as car people we could certainly argue that these are works of art) have always paid for work that has no earthly purpose but to be beautiful. Singer Porsches are the least egregious form of excess that the rich spend their money on, IMO.

Might be able to edit the original to stem further comments? 

Code switching is when you do it for the group that to fit in the group it signifies. She’s doing the opposite to stand out.