As they should. Plenty of shit drivers to go around without gendering it
As they should. Plenty of shit drivers to go around without gendering it
Someone should design spikes to put on your roof. If you're not going to care about your bumper being higher than my windowsill, maybe I can make you care, just a tiny bit more.
So I’m not going to be able to import this car to the US until after gasoline is probably illegal???? How sad
You’re the reason that every car is a fat hog (but the horsepower!!). You read this and you couldn’t get over that it doesn’t have V6 Camry horsepower?? It’s not gonna make your dick bigger!!
“I’m smarter than this guy from NASA when really I’m actually dumber”
Is there a reason that you're speculating facts that contradict the article? Sounds like Blackstock has seen the photos and has a much better idea of what killed her than you do.
Phew. Maximum Poe’s Law
Man, now that RAM designs with restraint, I guess those guys that grew up on MUSCLE TRUCKS had to move somewhere eh?
A guy named Hindenburg profiting from disaster? Weird
Yeah, you didn’t watch it, did you.
I felt this viscerally. I think women who are into cars are pretty cool. Not dating one now lol but it makes me like them right away
Who the hell is Doug lol
Sounds like Dave’s living his best life
I mean, in trying to get in their head I assume it’s because “colours are gay and everything on my car has to be black or else people will think I’m gay”
Hold on, it’s bullshit that they tried to blame it on the customer.
Show me the lie
The author suggested pilots of small planes were underregulated. Your years as a commercial pilot are irrelevant.