
I can see both sides of the argument. My mom was an extremely progressive hippie. My brother and I were served alcohol regularly at a young and “obviously child abuse” age. I was 10 and my brother was 6. I still drink most weekends and find that 2-5 beers on a Friday night is fine for me. My brother on the other hand,

Actually, pizza reheated in an oven is better than fresh. The flavors are richer.

I hope Titus is sincere. His descriptions of the symptoms of the illness that affect him are accurate. Unfortunately, my gut tells me he may be trying to game the system (and his return).

Alec Baldwin is a celebrity. We believe everything they tell us. They’re geniuses like that.

OK. Thank you.

You have inferred incorrectly from my post(s).

Ummm, I think you have me confused with another commenter or you missed that I was quoting someone else. I am firmly in the “spanking is fine” camp.

At least you admit that Obama wasted money. That’s progress!

Congratulations on doing a great job on raising your children.

I was spanked as a child. I was not beaten. Huge difference.

“not spell-checking your work as a teacher” - Odd that “The Root” spellcheck allows N****R just fine.

Sorry pal, but I choose to also see the good in our past.

My (completely) subjective opinion is that we are around 6:45 AM.

This nor the linked article actually explain the logic (or specific criteria) of setting the clock’s time. If there is no formula, I have to assume it was a subjective decision.

“They have applied every control and effect modifier they can think of.” - Great! That only leaves a couple billion more variables that exist.

My point is that History should NOT automatically be handicapped. See also: Scientific breakthroughs, medical discoveries, the innate spirit exploration...

“Argumentum ad antiquitatem” is used often by those that have no arguments left.

Yes, I have a fondness for history. Hence my closing comment.

“Mental health and behavioral consequences to spanking include depression, anxiety, aggression, violence and drug and alcohol abuse” -

If you ever plan to expose your junk in an argument, it’s always best to NOT have a baby dick!