
“she had an affair with Donald Trump and was paid to keep quiet about it” - Is there no honor in a confidentiality agreement!? Dammit, now I’m gonna have to reassess the ways I cover my sins! Ok, so I’ll admit no money changes hands when I do something wrong because I’m not uber-rich. It’s more like “Please don’t

Here we go again. You do realize that the Republican party currently and since Lincoln has fought for Black rights. The KKK was in fact founded by Democrats.

Well, I certainly hope so!

The site seems to be down at the moment so this point may be moot. To be fair, technical degrees (community college) should be included in any discussion of the “Economic Value” of post-high school education.

It’s not complicated. At all.

“The Democratic Party is not our friend.” - And it never has been. It’s time to wake up!

This only reminds me of how basic the Roku Netflix apps search feature is. Flixable is a great alternative but it still requires a PC. When you’re doing the flu thing on the couch, a PC takes a LOT of effort!!

I wonder if some in the “inspected” group(s) know what they can get away with during a shutdown. Compliance has a cost so the incentive is there.

Yep. Discussing politics can illicit the same feelings...

THAT is freaking awesome! Now I need to shrink it down to post-it note size and keep it handy!

Well, since DACA has nothing to do with the spending issue at hand, it would appear your list highlights the smart Democrats. Thank you!

The simulation confirms that as bad as nukes are, the best immediate affect is still limited to population centers. Fallout is another story entirely. However, absent a multi-nation nuclear attack on the U.S., those is rural areas (vast majority of the US) would be OK.

I really like that idea. However, I would be OK with Pratt.

Some funny and interesting protest signs. I’m disappointed with the language around children though.

“But let’s be extremely clear here: there’s no one to blame for the shutdown but Republicans Democrats” - I fixed that for you.

As with everything in life, perhaps we should put on our big-girl panties and move on. Everything will be OK.

Explain again why DACA should be considered when negotiating the spending measure to keep the government operating? Granted, DACA is important. It’s just not appropriate for this discussion. Dems may have overplayed their hand.

Tide Pods - Now cholesterol free!

Tide Pods - Now cholesterol free!

Kinda (as in on the outer fringes) related. I snapped this pic of the other end of the “Charging Bull” over the summer. Many cultures consider that THIS practice promotes wealth. Kristen, you may need to rethink your advice.

Or it could have nothing at all to do with her race! Maybe she’s pregnant. Some commenters (here and other sites) throw the race card without so much as a single rational thought!