dreck dreadstone

I mean I just honked at someone this weekend. They were turning left but only got 3/4's of the way into the left turn lane, so I had to slow down and wait to safely swerve around them. I’m hoping they heard my honk and realized what they were doing and will be more careful in the future, but I doubt it.

The whole point of Mulaney’s character was to be the voice of reason amongst all the familial madness, so yes, you are wrong.

I’m going to take issue with the “Mission Impossible earning less money than it deserves” line.

God forbid I encourage AV Club to have more slideshows, but I almost feel this needs to have separate Starring Role and Supporting Role. Adam Scott was the funniest part of Step Brothers for me, as was Brick in Anchorman, although honestly in Anchorman you could pick half a dozen of the supporting cast and not go

It had a 29 million budget and earned 256 million, per Wikipedia, so I’m guessing it was a decent chunk .

I mean, it is a volcanic island chain, so honestly I’m a little surprised it hasn’t happened more.

Did Speed do very well in the theaters? I just remember a friend telling me about this crazy action movie staring Keanu Reeves, of all people, and showing it to me on VHS. It seems like one of those movies that really got popular due to rentals, but I have no idea what sort of box office it had.

For fuck’s sake, No! Anyone but Brandon Sanderson. An AI would be better. Besides, he couldn’t handle the sexy bits, and probably wouldn’t want to.

I finally went to see Mission Impossible after work at 3 on Friday, there were a lot of people there to see Barbie. At my local theater I think it has twice as many screens as Oppenheimer, so I won’t be shocked if it handily beats it. I can wait to see it, I am probably going to try and catch an imax showing of

Yeah, cost is obvious, but also I’m worried about lack of infrastructure, charging and disposal of used batteries, which could become a real issue if the numbers of people with EVs skyrockets.

Sure, the stars make money, but they represent the top 1%. The 140,000+ other members of the guild probably do okay. At this point I’m pretty much of the opinion of that management is always going to try and hold on to as much money as they can, whether they really need to or not. Hope the strikers get their demands

Future Snub: Better Call Saul and all of its actors getting screwed like always.

I just want some confirmation. While I’m looking forward to Oppenheimer, am I the only person who found Matt Damon saying in the trailer “ This is the most important thing in the history of the world!” laugh out loud hilarious? If that had been Jon Lovitz, it would have been followed with “ ACTING!”

I’m open to the conversation. I enjoyed blazing through it in a day and a half, but I think I would have also enjoyed a weekly discussion about each episode.

Probably because Steampunk is just inherently stupid. It’s a kind of neat concept that if you spend any amount of time thinking about just becomes more and more impractical. It works in anime because you can draw cool looking inventions that would look ridiculous if you tried for live props. That’s my theory anyhow.

I totally understand her feeling bad about it, at the same time if she was such a big fan of the show, should she really be all that surprised? Maybe if you’re an attractive person you’re just used to people wanting to hug you, but I can totally see it from the other side where you have some rando asking you for a hug

I at least watched the Lord of the Rings show until its final episode, I don’t think I’ll watch the 2nd season, mainly because I don’t like the direction they seem to be taking the story and also for having such a huge budget the world felt very small and lacking in epic scope. I’ll probably check out reviews of it,

I like it a lot, I think it does what No Way Home was doing with the other dimensions and alternate Spidercreatures a lot better, obviously being animated helps with that. I don’t know about best, but I’m not mad about someone making the argument.

Subjective list, not going to kill the guy, but I strongly disagree with both order and a lot of the songs.

Yes, who is the target audience? Nike shoe fans, marketing majors?