dreck dreadstone

An entire movie of Ben Mendelsohn being a good guy? Does not compute. He’s so good at playing sleazy scumbag types it’s hard to imagine.

I don’t remember them being all that bad, I thought they did a decent job of only having a few really long ones. I guess I could check my DVR if I felt like it. For this current series it feels like you only get at most 10 minutes before another break. Really hurt the flow and me being able to get into it.

I liked it, but man, there seemed to be a lot of commercial breaks.

Are there really just those 2 kinds of people?

Lynch seems like a perfect thing for Ted to be a fan of, weirdness and complete normalcy hand in hand.

Isn’t there some debate over whether In Cold Blood is actually non-fiction? Aren’t several chunks , in particular dialogue and some facts, made up? The whole non-fiction always seemed like a shrewd marketing ploy by Capote.

Critics provide a service to the public, giving us advance knowledge of potential shows/movies/music we may or may not want to spend money/time on. They owe it to the public to be accurate in regards to the quality of the product. As long as they don’t get personal, they absolutely have the right to critique a

Take a star for the info on Hart to Hart...and a hearty dose of canceraids for your first.

Yeah, I pretty much clicked on the story just to see what it was about, because the headline gives you no real clue.

Any place with a waiting room. Doctor & Dentist offices, repair shops, car dealerships, etc.. Someplace where people are forced to hang out and you don’t want something too offensive. Also probably retired folks make up a big segment of the audience.

I really like the first half of the Ninth Gate, but I find that the ending just gets a bit too silly for me.

I rarely get popcorn these days, usually I’m just trying to get in and out as quick as I can, seeing whatever blockbuster (usually, I did go to the theater for Meet the Fablemans & Decision to Leave) that I feel needs to be experienced on the big screen, ala Dune, MCU movies. I resent the 20 minutes of ads/previews I

As long as there’s lots of yelling of “No!” and “Frodo!!” and added in scenes that weren’t in the book I’m sure it will do swell.

Maybe he’s just not very good with adaptations? Butchered both I am Legend and The Dark Tower. Constantine is solid, but not very faithful to the source material. Fringe was original with nothing to change, although the last season was not great, but that could be due to cancellation and having to condense storylines.

I’m a fairly casual comics fan, the Xmen were my jam for a few years, I’ve read some others here and there but never followed for really long, enough to know basic story lines for major DC and Marvel heroes. I know of Beta Ray Bill, but I couldn’t really give you any details on him for example.

You’re right, everyone remembers Bowie being picked ahead of him because he was such a bust, and like me, forgets about Hakeem the Dream. As a Piston’s fan who loathes him as a person I should remember.

For some reason I’m looking forward to this much more than the last couple of Marvel films I saw. The shortish run time doesn’t hurt and I feel like Ant Man hasn’t been shoved down our throats as much as some other heroes. I also don’t have super high expectations, I just need something fairly entertaining.

I’m not even 100% sure if I’ve seen season 5, I know I watched 4, but I honestly don’t know about the other .

Michael Jordan was never unknown, he was the number 2 overall pick in the draft. you could say unproven to be more accurate.

My parents were both Baby Boomers who grew up in poor, working class families and both had fairly successful middle management type careers.