dreck dreadstone

I swear almost bi-monthly there’s another uptick in the cost, dollar here, dollar there. Probably gone up 10$ at least since this time last year.

I would really love this to be at least average. Night Court has been unwatchable, I could really use some new sitcoms to fit into the rotation. The last McHale show I tried was one about a National Geographic/Outdoors type magazine a number of years back that wasn’t all that great as I recall, hope this can be decent.

Yeah, I watched the first three episodes and they were all equally dire, no jump in quality at all. There is no depth to any of the characters whatsoever, they’re just cardboard cutouts of people. Everyone’s just too fucking nice, also, the old Night Court had a bit of bite to it, this is toothless.

I’m not a huge fan, but I think for most people he’s a Name that they recognize and are willing to give a chance. Whether I think his movies are great or not, they must make a profit for him to keep making them, as he points out in the interview. Film makers can be profitable without being critical darlings, I think

Unfortunately on my cable package (xfinity) they switched TCM to an additional charge, as much as I love it I’m hesitant to kick in even more for an already pretty large cable bill. I suppose that’s one way it helps pay for itself.

You have to go back to the 1700's for a father-son duo in the arts? I guess they’ve had lasting appeal, but still.

I read the review and I thought, “That sounds promising.”

I liked the series, didn’t love it. Very grim, glad it didn’t go any longer than it did, hope they’re able to go a little lighter in tone with their next project.

Playing at the World by Jon Peterson is a really in depth look at the start of D&D, worth checking out if you’re interested in the subject.

The whole elves needing mithril is the same sort of bullshit as Arwen’s life being tied to Aragorn’s in the movies that I couldn’t stand. It’s an unneeded plot complication that was never in the original story that does not make the story better. But I guess writers need to justify giant budgets so they come up with

Will it be as over rated as the first season?

Also agree that Alicent doesn’t seem to be a schemer. She does seem intelligent enough to realize the really tricky situation that she has been placed in by her father, and she knows she’s hurting her friend, but she doesn’t have much choice in the matter. If anything she’s done a nice job of handling the situation

I did enjoy 11/22/63 for the most part, I tried part of the 2nd Mr. Mercedes book but just gave up on it. Felt like the hacker lady may as well have been from CSI or some other tv procedural and the main character was just “generic retired cop”. It seems to me as far as backstory/plot he’s just mailing it in. Billy

I thought they implied in the closing credits of that episode that he had already blown them in some ridiculous fashion? Wasn’t he playing basketball with a cardboard cutout of Michael Jordan or something like that? I could be mistaken, though.

The last couple of books of his that I read, Billy Summers and Mr. Mercedes, I thought were pretty bad. Paper thin characters and not much plot wise, honestly made me think of the bestsellers you would find in airport bookstores. I’m a little wary of any his output after plodding through those.

Nandor has no one but himself to blame for Marwa being so annoying as he literally wished her to like everything he does; hard to sympathize with that, more like just desserts. Enjoyed the Go Flip Yourself format, I’m sure the hat will somehow return to Laszlo in due time.

I’ll be really surprised if this is able to match the fervor that the original series generated. I’m going to give it a chance (let’s face it, there isn’t a ton on right now), but my expectations are low. Looked nice, plot seems really simple so far, be interesting to see how they complicate things in future episodes.

I’m pretty lukewarm on House of the Dragon, I’ll give it a shot but honestly not expecting much. The Dunk and Egg series sounds more interesting in that it’s established characters that I know and love. Seems like with HOD they’re working off of an outline and a lot of the success of that depends on the writing room. I

I think Peter Gould explicitly stated Kim is still facing the civil lawsuit. However, he did point out it’s Kim effin Wexler, and if anyone can get themselves out of legal trouble, it’s her.

Agree with Marty. Saying otherwise is saying she had no agency in her own life, which she very definitely had. The difference between her and Jimmy is she saw what she was doing/becoming and decided to step away from it, and ultimately come clean about it. Jimmy is unlikely to ever do that now.