I’m sure that the actual artists who worked on the original Secret Invasion comic series appreciate that not only will they not get credit for this show’s existence, Marvel made the effort to spit on their entire profession, even though the studio would not exist without artists.
If only it looked good! I played around with “AI” (SD and Deforum) before I knew how shitty was the whole situation of the training datasets and tbh I made more impressive things than that crappy intro. “AI technician” what a load of crap, the guy just typed some promps and assigned XYZ values and transitions
Disney isn’t going to fuck you dude.
I am more on the “why is the opening credits 2 minutes long?” Thats like, 1:45 minutes too long.
If I found out that my art had been used to train the program that made this stuff, I’d sure as fuck be looking for a payday from Disney (I mean, their lawyers would laugh in my face, but I’d still want one).
Chrono Trigger is perfection in JRPG form. The best of Squaresoft and Enix before they were Square-Enix.
I-VI all have PC mobile ports and XIII exists, but all of those are ass so we won’t talk about them.
This should really be on the East Coast!
You shouldn’t be able to settle out on the stipulation that you don’t admit fault. That shit don’t jive with me.
Like those guys without a catchy song.
As far as I can tell he’s more of a Snow. He’s got the blaccent down but he gives off the vibe that he’ll be running for Republican state senate in a few years.
Then, perhaps *he* shouldn’t have pitted *himself* against her? Also, perhaps he shouldn’t have shitted on the truth of *her* experience? Maybe?
Wait what have you heard about fellow Michiganders Kristen Bell and Keegan Michael Key? What did they do? We’ll leave Kristen’s ex-donkey husband out it for now...
To clarify: Suggested stories are from The Root at large. VSB, being part of The Root, automatically populates recommended stories that aren’t only exclusive to VSB, but part of the parent platform (as all of the above are). This is the first time VSB has written about this issue.
In the meantime, I’m curious: what’s the one thing you feel you need out of a final season?
Best episode of the season, but that was a low bar.
Beautiful review as always, Myles. This part really hit home: “I honestly don’t want to know what the story would have looked like if the fans hadn’t been so actively emphasizing a form of accountability.” I don’t want to know either.
Kevin mentioned needing to find his wife and get a divorce. Did the show forget that she signed the papers when Vee beat her up and made her do it?