
I think the worst case here are turn by turn navigation apps. I've got 1 GB of maps downloaded on my device - that's way too big for Apple to sync to the cloud, so they will have forced the developer to store that data in a tmp or Cache folder. Which will now be deleted if file space falls below a certain point.

Well, iTunes does cheat and not follow the rules Apple forced on developers. But there are third-party podcast apps that improve on iTunes in various ways, and those ones can find their stuff deleted.

It makes a folder you can name and put files in, who cares what it's really doing to make that happen. But it must be doing something, because the new Newsstand app won't go into a folder, and if you trick it into one, it won't run in there.

Needs a connection to MoviePass

The 4s screen is 4x the resolution of the 3GS, the CPU and GPU are quite a bit faster, app launches and load times are faster, extra RAM means apps will crash a lot less often, the camera has gone from 3 megapixel to 8 megapixel with other changes which greatly improve the quality of pictures, it can take videos at up

But there are other times they just leave a sign there with the same outdated message for a month after it is needed. Or at least leave the sign there but turned off.

Nope. If you touch anywhere on the left half-inch of screen, you'll go back a page. If you touch anywhere else, you'll go forward a page. Touch the top half-inch of the screen to bring up menus. They designed it so you can hold it in either and and easily read forwards without needing a button or needing to use

Which is why they got a professional photographer to comment on the raw, untouched photographs.

But it's not killing trees - in fact, trees love carbon dioxide, they'd prefer we burn tons of coal :) Of course, where I live most of my power is generated by water...

You don't think attempted murder is worth lots of police showing up? Someone trying to make a helicopter crash, killing everyone on board and potentially people on the ground as well?

That's why I never connected Hulu to my Facebook account, though I use Hulu+. I never connect *anything* to it, if a site requires a Facebook login, I just don't use that site.

I don't get your point about USB ports? Every Mac computer with Thunderbolt ports has 4 USB ports, except the laptops which have 2 or 3 depending on size. And your point about no single thing on the computer operating that fast making it useless is incorrect, the whole point is to plug multiple things into that one

I like how you have to qualify "can do significantly more than the iPad" with "out of the box". Sure, the iPad out of the box can't do much. But 5 minutes on the App Store, and iPad can do WAY A HELL OF A LOT more. The problem with Android tablets is they just aren't popular enough to get many apps developed for

Once you know the resolution and size you can figure out the DPI (PPI). In this case the size is 4.3", the resolution is 960x540, the PPI is 198.

At least Apple always told the resolution up front and never tried to hide it - "Retina Display" was all about the dpi, not resolution. And DPI isn't a figure that most people know or even would know the advantages of, so Apple gave it a term that would make sense to people, saying that it maxxes out the detail the

"Ghostbusters will also be showing in select theatres in Canada and in various international markets; for more information on international locations and dates, please visit www.parkcircus.com."

"two models released side-by-side. One is will be the true successor to the Xoom...."

Damn IT! Why the heck are they only doing a small release on 3 Thursdays??? Do what Lion King did - full release for 3 weeks. And that was the biggest movie last weekend! People want to see these classics in the theater.

I *SO* hate it when companies refer to resolution by those stupid terms like "qHD". Just give the damn resolution so we don't have to look up what they mean (BTW, qHD = 960x540, almost the resolution of the iPhone 4 but on a larger screen).

I think you missed the point where they are defending the practice of preinstalling Google search in Android OS against monopoly charges.