
98% of OLD machines - note that very few people actually upgrade their operating system, instead they buy a new computer that comes with the new OS. And did you note that this here article talks about a special new BIOS? I'd bet by the time Windows 8 is on the market, new computers will be coming with the new BIOS,

That's why we have copilots. And instrumentation reporting positions of the planes. And since 9/11, we now have a lot more defenses as well.

I think it was perfect. No 3D movie should EVER use 3D as a gimmick, poking things out of the screen at the viewer. All 3D movies should only sink into the screen.

I've read that a lot of projectionists run their projectors too dark, regardless of 2D or 3D, on the false notion that it will significantly save lamp life.

Ebert didn't recognize games as art, what he sad was "I shouldn't have said anything at all in the first place."

I don't remember anything at all in Tron flying at me. As I recall the movie mainly sank into the screen, it didn't poke things out at the viewer.

Your problem is paying extra for Imax. Imax 3D sucks, that's why you are getting blurry movie with headaches: Imax 3D only works perfectly if you keep your head perfectly level the entire time - which probably won't be the case when you are sharing a box of milk duds. Tilt your head just a tiny bit, the movie starts

It's not possible for it to be an app dev's problem unless you jailbreak. Official apps rely on the system to do all memory allocating and deallocating. When you hit that home button, it's up to the system to clear all the memory that app used, not the app itself. That's the reason jailbreaking could definitely be

You know what's really bad? Not just that they fired upon a fishing boat, but the fact that they MISSED! That fishing boat must have taken some damn good evasive maneuvers.

Unfortunately, this is a different situation than the original series. That series everything was done on film, which makes it easy to convert to HD, and then just retouch a special effect here or there. But Next Generation was stored on videotape, and all the effects were done at 480p on videotape, so they

It sounds to me like they aren't remastering the entire series, but only certain episodes.

Sounds to me like you brought this BS into the thread yourself. There was no need for this post.

The 340 looks like an old camera, sure, but I dunno if I'd go so far to say it looks "just as cool" as this one, with its (faux?) wood panelling and folding into a small rectangle.

Oddly, everything you just described sounds like the beginning of Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy...

Amazon is doing nothing, this is one site that claims to have secretly gotten an Amazon employee to show them the device, and of course other tech blogs are running with the story. And how do you get from the device having full access to the Amazon App Store to buy Android apps, with the internal storage designed

What do you mean "no apps"? It will fully support the Amazon App Store. Lotta Android apps there.

What? When did CERN debunk global warming?

I don't see this as a big deal - it seems well-edited, it does increase the drama of the moment, and doesn't seem corny or anything. It's nothing like some of the other crappy changes that have been made in previous editions.

SMS doesn't clog up a damn thing. Your phone periodically contacts cell towers, sending a bit of data and receiving a bit of data back. It does that on its own, all the time, as long as it is powered on; you can't stop it. It's so the towers know how to find your phone in case of a call. Part of that contact data

Fireworks are the answer to everything!