Now playing

Well, the Amiga had the best music at the time, here's a video of an Amiga game intro. Of course, if a person was rich they *could* spend thousands of dollars on a Midi setup that was the same thing as the computer playing an expensive keyboard synthesizer.

Now playing

And for those Commodore owners, you could still get far better music than in the OP video

Now playing

Well, this is only accurate if you ignore the Adlib sound card that was available in 1987. Here's an example of what was possible back then.

The Virtual Boy used a column of 140 red LED lights per eye, that were kinda dim... the lights would shine on a mirror sweeping back and forth creating a full image. Nothing like shining a laser pointer at your eye :) Unless you are blinded by the red power light on your TV or whatever...

For most people, Virtual Boy only hurt their eyes / gave them a headache when they didn't adjust it correctly. You were supposed to use the first screen of a game, where you see a VB in every corner, to adjust the interocular distance using the knob on the top, until you could see all 4 VB's equi-distant from each

Not to mention you are taking navigational tips from the ICON for an app, rather than checking the app itself :)

I hate pictures like the one in this article, which show the cat in a totally unnatural pose so you can't really tell how big it is. Now THIS shows how ginormous the cat truly is.

So like this...

I don't understand, we have an entire article here about "Start the game in easy mode if it's too hard"? It really wasn't that bad of a game, it was an adventure game, similar to Raiders of the Lost Ark, and you don't hear people complaining about that one. It also wasn't really that hard, if you read the

But you missed the story about the nude female!

From the article: Riyanna was not, in fact, on the government watch list. He said the TSA was only called in after the family was yanked from the flight, and after speaking with the parents, they confirmed that the girl was mistakenly identified as No Fly.

The article clearly states that the company makes lots of cameras capable of this, the one being shown is part of their 1110 series which is capable of these neat things, and they are trying to gauge interest in creating a prosumer model. That camera does exist, going by the article.

What's the point of having an article about how this camera can take amazing pictures...without a single example of one of these pictures? How do I know if I'd want a consumer version of the camera without that?

But the article states that they WEREN'T on the no-fly list. The airline has procedures which they DID NOT follow, such as contacting the TSA about a possible no-fly-list passenger that somehow managed to obtain a boarding pass and make it through security.

The article clearly states that the family was pulled off the plane after everyone else was boarded, and then in the middle of the airport (rather than in a private room) asked many personal questions. Many families would be embarrassed by that

If a death is reported, then yes, an investigation would be started immediately

But the endings weren't abrupt. I know Zelda for one had a credits sequence that they didn't show. You can't ignore the credits sequences, in those days they were part of the experience (and often had the best music in the game).

That's amazing for an Atari with an 8k cartridge, he did a damn good job. Imagine how much money that cartridge would have made back in 1981...

You should pay more attention to The Matrix trilogy, there are times they show characters using actual Linux tools used for hacking.

You don't need an excuse to fire someone, so a security camera or even just vague suspicion is enough. Or even if you just don't like a guy :) Unless you are firing someone due to race or age or gender or something stupid like that, there should be no issues. And BTW, my workplace has many cameras in it. As do