Fun fact! The invention of air conditioning may have led to the rise of BIG GOVERNMENT. previously, your congressperson would leave town in the summer to avoid the horrible swamp monster that is Washington, DC. With AC, they can stick around longer and create laws to take away your freedom, or whatever.
“There’s no reason that you, on a 95 degree day, should have to haul a sweater everywhere you go and yet you do because indoor public spaces have been turned into freezing cold tundras by people who should know better.”
Okay, thank you, because I could not figure out what the hell that thing was. My first thought it was a 3D printer creating a penis. I don’t know why that was my first thought but it was. I have issues.
Ah, the good old “let’s have a baby to save the relationship.” Poor child being born into this mess. No kid deserves it.
No wonder he views the Duggars as great parents.
Hold on a sec - I need to point out that Danner has had very long career on Broadway and has played the lead in countless plays. Her film career may be a different story but she’s a leading lady on Broadway.
Dr. Facelift and Dr. Botox.
Can we at least ask Blythe Danner what moisturizer she uses because she looks amazing. She doesn’t even have neck sag.
Hell, I’d want to know how she raised such an entitled and clueless person. In a similar vein, I’d love to ask Tom Hanks about Chet Haze.
I, uh.
In an interview with the Daily News, the President and CEO of Lane Bryant, Linda Heasley said: “We’re not throwing shade, but we’re definitely throwing curve.”
I’ve read 50 Shades and seen the movie and thoroughly enjoyed both. I have seen Sparks movies on TV in passing and they are so fucking sappy. I hate sappy.
When Luke’s supposed to be thinking intensely, Eastwood, son of Clint, looks like his brain has launched its screen-saver. “The Longest Ride” is more enjoyable if you picture his father in the role.
Key difference is “he.” #misandry
I’m still trying to figure out how a guy writes the same stereotypical romantic tripe over and over and gets away with it? Yet he’s not snarked nearly half as bad as Stephenie Myer or E.L.James.