
Neon didn’t want the Lexus.

All Day I Dream About Sanctions

Spoken like someone pretending to not be a right winger

Nobody cares why you in particular read Deadspin. Nobody cares why I read Deadspin either. Once you come to that realization you’ll understand much better how this all works.

Sounds like you need some sort of space. One where you can feel safe.

Buh-bye, snowflake.*

You have that browser issue that makes you read everything before you can move on? See an IT guy.

The thing about shit-talking Waiters is that sometimes they spit in your food.

After been on iOS since iPhone 3 I just got tired of Apple shenaningans and many many issues on my iPhone 6 and I’m a IT consultant with 30 years of experience so I really know what I’m doing. Always thought like you: buggy, viruses, fake apps, OS upgrade BS, etc. But I gave it a chance and got a Galaxy S7 edge and?

2/10. Try harder next time.

That would be just fine.

Everything he does makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens that he literally thinks he is the only person in the world. Everything revolves around making sure other people know how much power he has, how much money he (allegedly) has, how many ‘hot’ young wives he can have and are appropriately awed by him.

You’re actually an idiot.

Nope, can’t pay the kids. That would be silly.

Fuck that. And fuck you.

Ahh yes the old “Black people are wrong or lying about the racism they experienced growing up and continue to experience” line.

Here’s a crazy idea: it is on the coach to remove a player when he becomes a detriment to the team, not the league to change rules because a few people cannot shoot free throws. Even if you change the rule about it being an intentional foul, all the defense would have to do is wait until he is involved in the offense

I think the Rockets have a better team than OKC but I think people overrate Harden’s supporting cast in order to argue how hard Westbrook has it. Harden isn’t playing with a Big Two, much less a Big Three. Eric Gordon, Patrick Beverly, Ryan Anderson, Trevor Ariza, Nene...I mean these aren’t players that anyone would

I for one certainly hope that starter (!) Ryan Anderson chooses to enter the Hall of Fame as a Houston Rocket despite his having played for a couple of other teams.