
I’m not defending myself. But it IS on the person who did it, not on commenters who didn’t have all the information that the writers had. I believed Kirkman. She obviously lied, I wish I hadn’t assumed she was telling the truth. Hindsight is 20/20.

Now playing

Maybe this very old clip will help you understand where some of the skepticism of your ethical standards originated. Jezebel (and Gawker) had legitimate journalism issues. And you know what? So does the NYTimes, WSJ, etc. You are held to higher standards and when you fail, you NEED to be called out on it. A lot of

I will not condemn a man on rumor alone.

Most families should have one Fit and one Mazda5.

I’m sorry. I like this site. But to be clear, you have been horrible to Kirkman (including linking to a rumor she specifically denied several times when writing about CK) and you did go about journalism the wrong way while the NYT did it the right way.

Here’s the simple fact: The Washington Post did journalism the right way, and Jezebel did not.

Man, there’s never a line at the boys’ tree.

I don’t think this is assuming dogs are aggressive so much as it is assuming *nothing* about the dogs’ behavior and making sure the kids don’t provoke a negative reaction. This is excellent advice — and it also works for overly excited dogs who jump up. Those dogs aren’t aggressive at all, they just haven’t learned

i really don’t understand the enmity directed towards Bernie, granted he is not the savior some make him out to be but which other politician was willing to chop it up with Killer Mike, also he willing acquiesced the mic to BLM protesters when they rightly challenged him about his lack of racial justice policy?

This is what I do at parties.

But what about SuperDevil’s Advocate?

For starters, don’t come into a Black-oriented forum and complain that the articles don’t speak directly to you.

I hate the comments I see here sometimes where a white person comes in and is basically like “Um hi, white person here! I just want to know if you could educate me on being less offensive!”

Who said this was about helping a cause? Maybe we just want to have a laugh at your un self-aware ass.

#11 “this list is not productive nor a good conversation starter” guy

#8.5: The “if you’re not talking directly to me and giving me specifically individualized instructions on not being a piece of shit, then you’re being counterproductive and I’m just going to keep being a racist (but I always was going to just keep being a racist anyway)“ guy.

Maybe you can start by not asking stupid-ass questions.

Or, you know, you could just try NOT being a little fucking narcissist who thinks their opinions just HAVE to be heard on every topic, thereby allowing you to hold opinions while not inflicting yourself with the stress involved in defending them.

I can only imagine how these people react when they go to someone’s house and they ask them to remove their shoes.

I think honestly it’s good to have opinions on things as it encourages us to be selective and makes us aware of things. That being said though, there’s some opinions that really don’t need to be defended tooth and nail unless you are truly passionate about it.