
Has anyone else noticed Kendall’s lips in the last week? Looks like she finally caved under Kris’ demands and got them filled :(

How much ya wanna bet they’re buying these artifacts from ISIS/ISIS supporters while simultaneously condemning Obama for not stomping them out?

That last tapestry is a beautiful piece of protest. Thank you for the pictures and making your voice heard!

I dated a guy a few years ago who was his ‘nephew’, (like parents are close family friends not the creepy uncle kinda way) and he told me that he had two uncles- Barry and Gary. And I think he was disappointed by my, “Yeah no shit, of course Barry is gay” reaction. I was more amused by their rhyming names.

Wait- who the eff is Katie Kardashian?

He definitely DID touch at least one of them. One of the women suing him said she went to sleep (alone) and woke up in the middle of the night with him in bed with her, in his underwear, stroking her body. Do you think that’s normal behavior? Because it’s definitely borderline predatory.

Thank you!! I’ve always though the older brother has a beautiful forever tan skin tone. Maybe its that California sunshine, maybe it’s his ethnicity, maybe (and most definitely) its none of our concern.

I took Monday off. I figured I would need time to deal with my emotional hangover.

FYI- The original story on Good4Uah has a note “If you would like to provide donations, cars (?) or letters of support for the 12 year old” followed by contact info for the local Children’s Justice Center for anyone whose interested.

Having the same problem! I felt really awful, glad I’m not losing my marbles.

I’ve been saying this all along! They could be twins.

I loved CDAN, do they still publish blind items?

Noooooooo not RDJ. No pleasee dont let it be true. He doesnt even seem skeevy like Travolta or Kevin Spacey.

My thought while reading this- How many other victims are out there that don’t fit the signature? He may have started with sexual assault, or stabbing. They’ve only linked victims who fit both. I’m sure there’s more than 11. They probably didn’t take DNA from any victims who survived attacks. Sickening.

My issue with the whole ‘scandal’ is that neither the swimmers OR the gas station owner/attendant called the cops or filed a report. So what exactly is being investigated and for what reason??

As a 28 yr old female with natural red hair, I get it. I quit smoking cigs out of vanity, though was never more than a social smoker. I drink minimum a gallon of water a day, to keep my skin healthy and to stay full(er). I never ever in my life enjoyed soda, my mom didn’t keep it in the house (juice either, its all

Do you come here often?

It’s green tea! Very mild flavor.


Ahh, I apparently skipped over the line that said it had been deleted. I red the full story on Complex and OMG what a wild ride.