I watched Chronicle with great expectations, and frankly I was quite let down. There was so much potential for a cleaver indie superhero movie, but the end result left me cold. So I’m not sure I understand the buzz around it... :-/
I watched Chronicle with great expectations, and frankly I was quite let down. There was so much potential for a cleaver indie superhero movie, but the end result left me cold. So I’m not sure I understand the buzz around it... :-/
Nobody REALLY cares about space travel and exploration.
That’s mostly not true tho. Most of my industry friends working for F2P companies have much better working conditions and benefits than console-oriented companies.
As a man who’s also in charge of cleaning the toilet, I went all the other way: everybody sit to pee. That’s right. I’d rather be emasculated in my own home when I pee, than having to clean dried pee on and around the toilet.
As someone who is generally fine flying, but can get motion sickness in some situations, I thought the side seats would be worse (it’s usually the case in other vehicles). But then I guess on a plane it would only matter at take off and landing, but while flying not mattering much....
A few times I’ve seen photos of these military cargo planes packed with people, and I immediately gets sea sick just picture how much it must suck flying 8 hours in there.
Well it’s definitelly fun for me if I’m the one driving the car!
For some weird reason it never came to my mind that ANYONE could have possibly reached adulthood without knowing how to ride a bicycle. That was fun to read :)
I wouldn’t agree with your analogy tho. There’s really no advantage in calculating with an abacus versus other better methods. Riding on a bicycle on the other hand is a great exercise, and it’s a lot of fun in and of itself.
It always impress and baffles me how some people just can’t pick up extremely obvious sarcasm. ;-)
As someone who never worked in the service industry, I cherish reading stories about them, and realize how much I dodged a bullet. I would probably have committed suicide if I did (ok, slightly exaggerating). That’s why I always leave 20%+ tips, no matter what.
I have CarPlay in my old Civic (Pioneer aftermarket), and it’s alright. Not the end of the world, but I like it. That said, I’d much rather having them fix the crashes and instabilities before they start redesigning or adding new features...
CarPlay in the car is really just a dumb terminal. Everything is driven by the iPhone itself. So as long as you keep your iPhone updated, you should see the improvements reflected on the CarPlay unit itself.
Yes, when a child commit suicide after being bullied by students and parents, we should all turn the other way, ignore it, and mumble something and that about “god”.
The year have nothing to do with it. Percentage does.
Nope. It’s a belief in equality for women, a belief a bunch of groups (and individuals) adheres to.