Thank you for writing the argument for me! It’s *exactly* what you wrote: there’s a whole bunch of groups of all sorts that claims to be feminists.
Thank you for writing the argument for me! It’s *exactly* what you wrote: there’s a whole bunch of groups of all sorts that claims to be feminists.
No, feminism is not a group. I don’t have a membership card. I don’t pay dues. There’s no hierarchies. There’s no assemblies. There’s no grouping. There’s no organizing.
Who’s talking about forcing anyone? We’re talking about equality between men and women. What *feminism* mean. You’re free not to be a feminist. That just make you an a-hole, that’s all.
Well I guess your reply validate my point and there’s no need for further exchange.
I saw it in 3D, and even I was slightly irritated by that shot. It felt out of place. Especially following what is arguably the greatest action set piece of all time.
Yeah it may be the only thing that bothered me... They could have simply not show it during the final chase. This we could just have hoped that maybe it finds its way back to the Citadels. And Max eventually end up getting it back.
It’s one big long chase scene
Tell your friend that Mel Gibson only had 16 lines of dialogue in the entirety of The Road Warrior, and two of them were: “I only came for the gasoline.”.
On top of being world building, it was a really great narrative tool for Miller. The movie have been praised on how great it “show, don’t tell”. At the beginning of the movie they make a big deal of the first War Boy who spray himself then jump to his death. It establish a vocabulary for the rest of the movie: Spray =…
Sooo.. shaking your head at the idea of equality between men and women. Your posts in this thread makes absolutely no sense, unless you are against equality between genders.
I came in just to write this. I’ve seen the movie a few times already and freakin love it. But I don’t feel the need to read some back stories at all. I’d even rather keep the whole thing mysterious and unexplained... it makes my imagination run wild, and it adds to its mythological weight.
I couldn’t agree more!!
I want to copy & paste your post all over internet.
So Max is fighting masculinity?
If don’t mind I’d like to jump in the discussion and leave this here:
I’m 100% with you on this. So far all 4 movies have been not only very different in styles, but also barely related at all other than the central Max character.
English is not my first language, and I’ve never seen the word “steakhead” before. But now I will use it. All. The time.
I’m fairly obsessed with the original trilogy, but every single ones can be enjoyed as a stand alone story. George Miller, the creator of the series, once said he wants the Mad Max movies to feel like stories you tell around a campfire, and only very loosely tied to each other, if at all.