
My hypothesis is that the Half-Lives warriors comes from the masses down below. They probably scout the young boys and snatch the healthy/strong ones to turn them into the warrior cast.

One of my favorite game of all time, the original “Sacred”, was precisely that. And I’ve never seen a game before or after achieving such amazing result. Many people didn’t like it, but I did wholeheartedly. A *huge* open ended world with a ton of exploration and hidden location, that plays like a Diablo game with a

I would have much, much preferred a stoic, serious menace rather than the random comical villain we got. We *just* got an amazing comical villain in Loki. Why a repeat? Why the same old thing, especially knowing full well that pretty much nothing could top Loki?

Bleh! true role-players don’t use maps and figurines. They use their imagination.

(posted in the wrong thread!)

Oooh the Patriots Butt Hurted Fans are going to be DELICIOUS to watch.

I applaud the artistic talent to make such complex 3D models, that’s really impressive. But let’s not fool anyone here: none of these are even remotely out of the Uncanny Valley.

Yeah I tried Goat Smulator and Gaot Simulator on App Store and they look like cheap knockoffs.

Yeah I tried Goat Smulator and Gaot Simulator on App Store and they look like cheap knockoffs.

You know how the stock market work: it’s all about growth. Apple is already the wealthiest corporation in modern era’s history. There isn’t much they can significantly grow that they already have, therefore they need to diversify toward other business.

Nope. Like I said, it’s just a hunch. Nothing more. Nothing less.

Something tells me that Elon might actually be more interested in selling Tesla outright to Apple. Just a hunch.


“And maybe there was nothing Ayer could have revealed that wouldn’t have been met with skepticism; Heath Ledger is a tough act to follow.”

I feel so incredibly blessed that, even tho I’ve been working since I was 15 and I’m now over 40, I have *never* worked in the service industry. I never had to deal with a customer in a store or a restaurant.

Gawd damn it. All I need is reading the title "Grave of the Fireflies" and immediately... then.. there's.. damn dust in my eyes.

Gawd damn it. All I need is reading the title "Grave of the Fireflies" and immediately... then.. there's.. damn dust

Oooh boohoo. Not a single woman I’ve dated in my life even remotely resemble what you describe.

Yes! There’s definitely a few churches that are 100% dedicated to true, impactful charity. And for these I wish nothing but 100% tax exemption.

Everyone doing charity work/expenses gets tax exemptions for these. So if a church return 100% of its income into charity, then they wouldn’t get taxed at all.

That’s BS. They should get tax breaks on *quantifiable* charity output, like everyone else. Not an automatic one, simply for being a church.