
Unless he was developing this whilst still in employ of the former studio then this should and will be thrown out. Non-competes are complete bullshit clauses that are unenforceable and prevent someone from earning a living after leaving a job. That’s why they’re effectively illegal in California.

The Elite controller is substantially more than a regular controller for more reasons than flappy paddles on the back and switchable sticks. The materials used are perfect for gaming, they have metal rings around the analog sticks with a super low friction material on them, the magnets used for holding everything

Sony plays it safe. People that grew up on the PS1 embrace the PS4 controller as a MASSIVE IMPROVEMENT on a PERFECT CONTROLLER.

Yes, many people still play and own and Xbox :)

At least 32 people do since I managed to complete a round of Warzone on Halo 5 earlier.

seeing as how ive used the dk2 for a while and never felt these symptoms, ill just assume its a “some people have it, some dont” kind of thing. i hope they improve on what is making others sick. i imagine its not something that happens while playing and is actually the shock of going from vr to taking the headset off

I guess I’ve been one of the lucky ones ‘cause my Windows 10 really hasn’t caused me any problems. A few hitches here and there but I could say the same for 7 in a few spots. Everything of import functions, shit doesn’t crash unless I do something stupid.
I expected bigger problems just ‘cause it was a brand new OS.

I don’t understand why people have problems with Win10, there is not a problem that I have had after installing it (on two different systems now, one was an upgrade the other was built from the ground up) that I did not cause by mucking about where I shouldn’t have been.

I’m all for investigative journalism, but...

I think (for the benefit of the story, of course) that you need to do a skype interview in a bikini top and follow up.

And people think Epic Meal Time is revolting, at least they go overboard on the good shit.

Well I think it’s that to an extent the Uncharted games have always been a little stylized, and Naughty Dog before did make cartoony platformers.

I did play several hours on Xbox One and yeah, it still looks fantastic there. But holy hell they weren’t kidding when I read that RotTR on PC might be the prettiest game ever, at times.

This game looks even better though in that regard.

Remember when game launches used to be hyped things and you could be sure you were getting a full quality product that worked... ya those were the days.

Dying Light’s still on the list, but no Halo 5, nor Forza 6, NOT EVEN RISE OF THE TOMB RAIDER?!?!