
Yes, those. They really wreck them? I’ve been using it for ~10 years now (but I don’t own expensive blades, they’re relatively cheap).

Using a water stone feels a bit old fashioned to me. What are its advantages over using any of the modern two-stage knife sharpeners that one can find for a tenner on Amazon?

For the past years, SimpleNote has been rock solid to me. Even Apple’s own Notes created duplicate copies for me. But not SimpleNote. While the other apps just kept adding largely unused features, SimpleNote simply kept fixing bugs.

Great tip. And personally I didn’t find it dry at all! One particular story is golden: Mitnik is having lunch with his dad, and mentions he could get his old man’s creditcard number. “No way”, says dad. Mitnik calls a DVD rental place in the neighborhood, says “I’m so-and-so from DVD rental place 2, customer Mitnik

Yup, very nice. I don’t know much about wood, but it looks like it weighs a ton.

Very, very nice setup. I especially like the clever extra shelf for the Mac Mini and peripherals.

I’ve read about this trick some time ago. I tried it once, but got the reply “that’s a funny number — why not round it off”?

Yeah, that sounds like my day, except I just need half an hour in the morning, and personally I’ve decided I won’t spend more than 45 minutes on my commute. Otherwise, my mental health will deteriorate and I’ll start snapping at the ladies home.

Let’s average and assume 65 hours per week. That’s 13 hours per day. Assuming you live right next to the office, you start working at 6 AM, and leave work at 7 PM.

I get home at 5 pm. Dinner at 6, kid in bed 7:30. We sleep at 10 pm. Living in Europe.

I wonder if the interviewer would appreciate the same question back. “So, can you tell me the last time you had to fire someone? Why was that?”

If the CPU has become faster, I assume it generates a bit more heat. I guess it’s also gotten a bit more efficient but I wonder why it’s not equipped with a small heat sink?

Hi Jason, probably you should turn off App Transport Security in the info.plist.

Perhaps also a positive illusion: whenever something bugs me about my partner, I try to find the best possible explanation. She left the kitchen in a mess: she must’ve been in a hurry. She left the backdoor unlocked: kid probably took her attention. Et cetera.

Because the cheap crap will give you terrible power. There’s a lot of electrical noise on a cigarette lighter. So much so, that when I hook up my phone to one of those cheap chargers, the touchscreen barely works.

Because the cheap crap will give you terrible power. There’s a lot of electrical noise on a cigarette lighter. So

I don’t trust Google anymore. The iOS client also took ages.

I second Simplenote. They’ve resisted needlessly changing the interface for the last couple of years, and they focus on one thing, and one thing only: a stable app with reliable syncing. Bought and now backed by the Wordpress people.

That’s actually pretty nice. Once I was doing a road trip with a friend of mine, and we had to take turns charging our phones. Since the GPS was usually on, it didn’t really work. Having a bunch of them sounds great actually.

The whole idea of lighting a cigarette in a car seems somehow old-fashioned to me, something from an old movie :)

Big fan here — I really like the Desktop posts, keep ‘em coming!