
You’re right. But in the case of WSS, I think there was this complicated other thing of some portion of musical fans being offended he would even remake WSS, so that tainted the pool as well.

Simple fact is that some do well, and some flop hard. Everyone was sure that LMM was going to have a post Hamilton hit with In the Heights. He did not. There was a lot of hype that a Spielberg West Side Story was going to be a big deal. It was not. Then again, Wonka did not really admit in its marketing that it was a

That was my first assumption as well. But then again, it could also be that the girl is the “surprise” IF, perhaps there to help Reynolds’ character for whatever purpose.

You may disagree, but I stand by my statement. The title is overly dramatic to drive clicks, and the bringing up assault out of nowhere is to drive up comments and sensationalize something that was never said. I can see where someone else might not see it that way, but that is how I see it.

No, its not. You know how you write that without bringing up a non-existent harassment claim? How about:

Yeah, admittedly I have not seen the show yet, so can’t honestly comment on it specifically. I WILL say that the trailer does NOT get me interested much at all.

You know, it is not really anyone in particular I think. SHE did not bring the phrasing up, Stern did. And she sort of went into “some people you don’t really have chemistry with, even if it looks like you do on camera.”, rather than “yes, some people actually disgusted me.”

So I totally get it if you don’t like his shtick or whatever. Not everybody likes the same thing and that is fine. But the idea that he is not likeable in general is silly. His whole hugely successful career is based on his likability, and his IS still hugely popular and followed. Sure, his recent relationship issues

the reboot will look to continue the original story while also returning to the roots of that original film.

Honestly don’t care about any of their grief. It is really not that hard to not do most dumb shit.

Still very excited for this, but for some reason this is the weakest trailer for me. Can’t quite put my finger on it. Maybe because there is far more dialogue in it (and not just from May).

Your point about the Hawkeye bit I agree with.

I agree with pretty much everything you laid out above. My only caveat is that the “god” character CAN be interesting/entertaining if written and acted well. Q is fine for me because John De Lancie MAKES him fun to watch.

Yeah, cat skeleton decorations always have those too. My favorite last year was the full OCTOPUS “skeleton” decorations that were for sale at Spirit.

Do we know that is what happened here? I would think spraying an insect with water would make it fly off.

I am trying to figure out why this would even be an issue. Is it that soap drying quickly might damage the finish? This warning is just completely baffling to me.

Well it is not a matter of my interpretation. It is an at-will state. We’ll see if any of them are brought back after a union raises objections, but I doubt they will be.

“Google workers have the right to peacefully protest about terms and conditions of our labor.”

Yep, dropped Max a while ago, keeping Hulu through Shogun, then will restart Max for a bit during House of the Dragon. You don’t need to keep them all at the same time. Keeping a couple at any given moment seems to work pretty well.

Oh, no disagreement there. I know they have been hoping to expand the original park for ages. Personally I look forward to seeing what it looks like in the end.