
So Avatar/Pandora never seemed to me to deserve a long term “land” devoted to it. In a different way, I don’t feel like some of the other films deserve a “land” as opposed to rides IN a land (just like Dumbo and Peter Pan are rides in Fantasy Land). 

I think Picard, by Season 3, is a great commander and the right guy in the right place (captain of the federation flagship of that era).

I know people on this site just want to say “because the GOP is evil” but the answer is more nuanced in all honesty (even if I personally support giving more aid to Ukraine). The GOP position is essentially that Ukraine cannot possibly win this conflict, that Putin sees even a simple retreat to pre-war borders as a

Yeah, I will have to say that I put off watching Contact for a long time and just sort of assumed it would be dull or just not my thing. Finally decided “I hear a lot about this, why not give it a shot”. What a great film.

Not actually true. The reality is that gas pumps are everywhere, in large quantities, the way we hope EV chargers will be one day. There are commonly unused pumps at any given gas station at any given time. If you tripled the number of ICE cars, the change in wait would likely be negligible. Even if I have to wait, it

Well I think it goes without saying that anything I say here is IMO. I am not against binging. I just think the shows themselves build more of a lasting impression on a wider audience when they don’t dump all at once. But yeah, IMO.

What’s Vera?

Times have changed, though, and it’s possible the film would be better (or just more interesting?) if it’s been retooled.

True, you don’t HAVE to binge it. But the point is that by dropping weekly (or at some rate), the show builds momentum and seems to get more notice. That is generally good for the health of the show. And as a viewer, even though I don’t have to binge it, all the spoilers are out there from the start.

That said, if you

I would hardly call a film that made $681 million on it’s initial release a “dud”.

As a California resident (bay area), I never would have considered most of these either. But I just went through OKC on my way to see the eclipse. It was MUCH nicer than I expected, great restaurants that cost about half of what I pay at home. Filled my tank for about $30 instead of $80 or more. And found I could

I agree on JW3. That said, JW4 is outstanding and just feels like a much better film.

I think ATMs work much better because in MOST cases you walk up to them, so the height placement thing is not a major issue (unlike with cars) and you don’t have an issue with how close you are. They are also able to be slightly better sheltered. Lastly, they don’t get as much use as a drive through does.

Fair statement. We also had Hanse and Gretel: Witch Hunters (which actually I was sort of into). Actually, this one does not look quite as offensive to me as the Blood and Honey film.

Actually... not THAT uncommon. Bridges, major port damages, that whole Panama Canal debacle... It happens.

Good lord that top menu just keeps getting smaller and smaller. 

Ha! Sure, blame “tech bros”. Not the immense amount of crime and drug use in Oakland and SF. Those cities have been run into the ground by various interests who just fight each other rather than actually try to solve anything. The North and South Bay are doing just fine.

So actually, not generally. If the plane was sealed as it went down, sure. But if not and it filled with water as it went down, the pressure would be the same inside and out, and it would just settle down to the bottom essentially intact.

I don’t get the issue on Old Man’s War. That is the exact opposite of unfilmable. Same with its sequels.

I would bet that none of the people posting this crap believe any of it, but different are set up to maximize revenue for views. So anything at the moment that brings on a bunch of views for a time, however brief, is game.