
Just noticed that Gizmodo and Jalopnik (and their sub channels I think) are the last two sections to allow comments.

IMO, no one is THAT invested in the new characters vs the old. When people think of scream, if they are invested at all, they associate the whole thing with Sydney, Gail, and Dewey. Having two of those in this will be fine with most fans (in fact, if there was a convoluted way to bring Dewey back, they would joke

Umm.... you DO realize that this sort of thing is in no way unique to Disney, right? These sorts of sweetheart arrangements exist for everything from entertainment industries to manufacturing to a bunch of others. You can argue that they are not fair (although they are generally granted in return for all the sweet tax

A lot of people here are looking at this as a win of sorts for Disney, mostly because they hate DeSantis (except when they also hate Disney).

Now playing

So I do get your point, but I should also point out that this idea of “pre-emptive genocide” as a dominant survival strategy in the universe IS a growing line of thinking in science to explain why the universe appears empty, to the point that it has a name in scientific circles: The Dark Forest (0ne of a number of

Well, because that is one of the key pillars of “science” fiction, vs pure fiction or fantasy. You can obviously choose to ignore that, honestly to each their own, but Bruce’s argument is still a valid one.

A: Nothing about this says cinematic universes. It just says more sequels. Which may or may not happen.

True, and I agree on those kinds of details. They were main characters, so people wonder. But if the new story is fun they will forget pretty quickly as long as the big guy is there.

Either we are, or they will be making some very clear reference at the start as to why not. It is the first thing I hear people asking after seeing the trailer.

I agree with every one of these with the possible exception of Moulin Rouge. Don’t get me wrong, I really love that film. But, while bright and detailed and extravagant, I feel like it has worked just fine on the big screen, on my flat screen, or on stage. It is as much about the sound as the images and does not feel

Actually I had forgotten all of that, what a trip that was.

Oh wow, had not noticed that. But no matter what anyone says, they are absolutely selling off each every one of these segments as they can. I feel like Kotaku is one of the more marketable and least controversial of the bunch (along with probably The Takeout). Although, I am not sure how many of these categories are

Sure, I get that, but, IMO, that is what they initially did. They released a statement that said she had surgery, that she would need time to recuperate, and that she would not be back in the public until Easter, and that they would like some privacy. The only thing they left out was that she also had a cancer

No one is saying she did not want to be in the public eye. She just wanted a brief break after finding out she had cancer, start chemo, and break the news to her kids and manage what they heard from others.

Fuck that take. She was sick and under pressure to show up somewhere. So she put out a photo, but like a lot of people, particularly moms like my wife, she didn’t want a photo of the kids to go out without a bunch of touchups. Nothing nefarious, just what people do. True, it was a bad idea with all the scrutiny at the

I think the better running joke is that the next one is ALWAYS promised to be set in Hawaii, but it never is.

Personally I find this prequel a lot more interesting than its sequel.

Yeah, to be honest I was surprised as well. Like you say, it is not everyone’s first rodeo here. I have to assume (entirely my speculation) that SOME process was either not followed or not followed well, OR some design was significantly different, that meant this issue was bigger than is typically experienced.

Because they were not designed for this role. They were designed to sort of clean things up soon after launch. But now that the telescope is REALLY REALLY cold, using them at this stage is a little risky. The materials in question will expand slightly when heated, and they MAY not contract back down in precisely the

So the placing of it right after Alien lets them essentially make a pure Alien sequel and not address any of the overly complicated mythos in all of that. Looks like an updated version of the original, which is fine. Not sure about how “fly-y” the huggers are, but they have always creeped me out more than the full on