
I mean, I am not sure what people want him to do. He can’t undo it. He could have just claimed it was all bullshit and hidden away until we forget it came out (honestly about a week or two from now). In his case he decided to immediately respond, own that he was an ass, and apologize to people for it.

I would argue that it was not controversial just because it was a female crew. It was controversial to its fans in that a lot of people felt that the whole idea seemed to be gender swap the full cast (even Hemsworth for Potts) and then that was it, actual script be damned. It was lazy and a disservice to the

Correct. He was hanging it to age it and make best preparation of the bird (in his eyes anyway) sort of like how you age a steak. Just hanging it up to “honor” it makes zero sense.

Looks all shiny and chrome to me! And yellow, and sandy, and...

I am sort of confused by the reactions on here. I am pretty jaded about most modern star wars shows (most stuff outside of the 1st season of The Mandalorian and Andor), but this looks good to me in the trailer.

Exactly. I had a laserdisc of DYRL. That and the laserdisc of Akira were my two favorite joys at the time (along with the mini-disc of the making of the Akira soundtrack).

You know, I had zero interest in “Blood and Honey”, but I could see this going after the same sort of thing as all the “sharknado” and “sharkoctopus” sort of hype. The sort of thing where enough people decide “this is ridiculous and stupid sounding, we should see it!” to make it earn a decent profit profit. I am sure

So I am for equality, but I would rather use that to kill other director projects, not encourage more crap “to be fair”.

I do think it is funny that people keep trying to re-frame this crappy film as intentional “camp”. Or in other articles that actors were in complete surprise that an originally quality film effort changed in production to a film they did not sign up for.

Counterpoint: I am not really a fan of him as an actor, but I can totally understand his getting bent out of shape and responding. Sure, it is Evans being called out, but the anecdote is FULL of commentary about how much he sucked, how no one “was that good” that their fucking him would save his crappy acting, that he

Well I do really like the book, so I will probably show up to see how it turns out.

Sorry, but every part of the mecha external and combat stuff looks very fun. Every part that involves J-Lo acting in it looks very cringe.

Sure, I know who we are dealing with here. But honestly, if they thought it had a chance of doing well in theaters they would release it to get that money. Like you are implying, this is about money above all else. The fact that they sat on it forever and are now putting it on streaming says they think it is not going

This ^^^. Every bit this.

I don’t care what anybody says... the fact that they sat on it for years, and have now decided to dump it on streaming  rather than the originally intended release definitely implies that they DO think is is pretty weak, if not outright flop material.

Except that this is being released, even if on streaming, and therefore will be bringing in revenue in some form or another and not be a tax write-off.

Not wanting to take away from Miyazaki at all, but I honestly could see that. Not only is that name revered in animation, it has been marketed as his last film, and as such is even more likely to attract that kind of vote.

I do think there is also a misnomer that KOFM was dissed by not winning the actual Oscars. The very fact that it was nominated is the first stage of the awards. Those nominated films were picked as a handful of the best films of the year in their various categories. That is already “award #1". A number I have seen is

Between the two films, both are great performances. But Stone dominates her film utterly WITH that great performance. It is not that much of a surprise that she got the most votes.

I do think it is sort of silly that in the last year or two, there have been several takes, on this family of sites, that films ARE getting too long that that it is a self indulgent, unwelcome trend. But now that they want to support KOFM, suddenly it is some sort of slight by Kimmel to joke about its length.