
There may have been some hype on the book, but I think you will find very few consider it a “masterpiece”. Most readers consider it sort of a mess that can be a struggle to stick with the further you get in.

Who said they didn’t change in 25 years. Those people probably like a bunch of new stuff too. But they still like the stuff they used to as well. This is not any sort of revelation. Just like people still like the food they grew up with, even if it was of questionable quality.

Potter adults are still a thing just like Star Wars adults are still a thing or Disney adults are still a thing. The books are still best sellers on Amazon, and tons of merchandise is sold at stores, even stores that focus on nothing but Potter stuff, and most of that stuff is targeted at adults with lots of cash, not

Hmmm, people who liked something a lot 25 years ago have grown up and still like it a lot. Go figure?

Well not really. I don’t own any, but I do own stocks, and it is pretty normal that when something hits a high a bunch of people sell off and take their wins. Especially if they had bought at the old high and have been waiting over a year for it to come back.

I also just realized that the darker clouds are actually layered pieces, not just painted on that background. Really awesome work.

Honestly a really impressive way to capture the titles and general aesthetic of the series overall, in a lego set. Using the traditional “floor” as a backdrop is pretty cool.

Thanks for the details. I AM a Guy Ritchie fan, so I will check the film out for sure.

So just a bit unclear... you mention this is a “spin off”. So is it a different set of characters in the same universe? Or the movie retold as a series? I did not see the original film.

I HAVE to believe that the script for that film was AI generated, and then they just filmed the whole thing on whatever money they all had in their pockets at the time.

I agree that Chani does go from interesting strong female character when he meets her to almost invisible for the rest of the time. I will be seeing this soon and to be fair, I enjoyed the first one and have heard only positive about the second one. Will have to see how it comes together when I actually view it.

Sure. But essentially, in the books anyway, he never really “accepts” his destiny. He sort of develops an internal attitude of “Holy shit everyone, this does not end with the glorious defeat of the Harkonnens. It keeps going on to a unstoppable slaughter of trillions.” But no one else has his increasingly “perfect”

It works. Through Chani’s eyes, we see Paul for who he truly is: a man as power-hungry as the rest of them.

This DOES bug me. Sure, in the book he marries Irulan to unite the houses, but it is VERY clear it is in name only, that he loves Chani, and she and he stay together as the “real” couple. It is made very clear in the next book that Irulan gets the title but not the man or future heirs.

Yeah, that part appears to be made up by the writer of this article.

No company introduces dynamic pricing with the goal of offering a lower cost product to customers. It is a fancy way of saying they are going to charge more for the same product and service they always have.

Like you mentioned, it is “context”. Carter was asked how he would update the show for today’s audiences. That is just another way of asking “would you make it less all white?”

Well, no one NEEDS any movie. But they sure are popular. Ever since they moved over to being action/thriller/spy movies with F5, they have been making between $700-800 million a pop, with 7 and 8 making well over a Billion. The only way they stop being made is if Vin Diesel finally decides he is done with it, and the

I know you are joking, but if you actually think about it, does he? That flight is taking that route and spewing that carbon regardless of him being on it or not.

This just boils down to crappy QA of the intent. The AI gets some instructions like “Including people of color is better than excluding them.” and “All white results is exclusionary” and before long the logic boils down to “People of color is always the safest image result” and biases to only do that. The AI has no