
So, unless I am misreading things, he did NOT make 100K, any more than I make the money I earn for my company. Like others have pointed out, his pay was around 65K, and his take home from that was around $40K. Keeping around 2/3 of his income after taxes is pretty much like any other job.

I think the difference is that with Google Glass, it was new and not obvious you were wearing it, and then people just assumed that if you were you might be recording them secretly or taking sneak pictures like some sort of creeper. Hence the whole glasshole thing. There is NO mystery hear that you are using a huge

Therein lies the rub. SHE keeps saying she was fired. DISNEY has said they did not renew her contract. Without knowing the terms or dates of her contract, we are all just speculating. IF it was just not renewed, she is probably shit out of luck. But even if fired, I would think Disney has some pretty strong boiler

If this is really what happened, and Post Malone had shoved a security guard to the ground and caused injuries, then yes, probably so.

I doubt very much she wants to be cast back in as the character, as that would just be a hostile experience on both sides. That part is probably in there just to say “hey, I am the reasonable one and just want my job back”. In the end, this is about punitive damages.

But that is not really what is going on here. SK has a country on its border which still considers itself at war with it, and constantly threatens mass destruction. SK is not huge and essentially needs everyone to put in some time to maintain a reasonable defense/deterrent. The way they do that is through mandatory

Well he DID say “too many”, not all.

This was my thought as well. Everyone in my family has a pocket calendar in their phone that is with them at all times, that can alert them in real time wherever they are about an event.

Yeah, this article only makes sense if you are paying all that money for Prime Video in particular. I do WATCH Prime Video, but I had Amazon Prime before, so prime video is just a free bonus of a huge streaming service. If Prime Video vanished tomorrow, I would still pay for Amazon Prime. Now, after this price

Funny, you mention all that. But when I hear his name the ONLY film that always springs to my mind is Moon.

Yeah, I was trying to think of a way to sum up my feelings on Nope, and “over acted” pretty much does it.

Eh, I would say Ghostbusters has no outright villain in its story. There are ghosts and the supernatural, of which Gozer is just the biggest one they deal with at the end. And Dickless is just one of the annoying things they deal with along the way. But in the end it comes down to “something is coming” and then “we

Yeah, that is all fair enough. I too generally have a hard time enjoying a film version of a book I am familiar with and enjoyed. As for Dune itself, I enjoyed all of F. Herbert’s books, but had to stop after a bit due to not liking what B. Herbert was doing from there.

Curious about your decision on Dune. Just not your thing in general, or did you see Part 1 and strongly dislike his version of the book?

Tenet was a tough one. The whole first hour I was saying “I am so confused, no wonder this did not do well.” Then the second half I was suddenly “Holy shit! This is actually awesome, I am glad I stuck with it.”

Of course, that was just my experience, but I do think it is far better than it gets credit for.

This is always sort of a dumb complaint. You made a song, people listen to and play the song. You can’t control any of that (as long as they are not selling your work of course) any more than you can control who looks at your art or who uses stuff you invent. And no one out there honestly says “They just played the

I don’t know about most of those “snubs”. Usually snubbed means that it really should have been there but got ignored unfairly. There is no reason Wish should have been in there, it was pretty much universally considered sub-par. Blue Beatle was “ok”, but not Oscar-worthy. TMNT does feel like a snub for animation. And

Yeah... I don’t get the whole “They have a bunch of money, so of course they should have made this!” concept. I’m sure there are lots of projects they turn down, some get further down the road towards production than others. Their track record overall has been pretty good in the end.

To others who are claiming the season was bad, I would disagree. I personally loved most of it. Is it the BEST? Nah, that is mostly just good old Giz harping too much on the idea that getting rid of Roiland was the best thing ever.

But that said, it was still a heck of a lot of fun and the voices are fine.

Yeah, sorry to say that I was sort of hoping that Ironheart was one of the projects that quietly got dropped. I had no idea they were actually filming (and done for that matter). I have no issue with Ironheart as a character, but what I saw in BP2 really did not get me interested in any further work on that end.