
Yeah, I have to disagree as well. I loved the 1st film. But the 2nd is pretty damn hilarious as well, admittedly IMO. Loved the “team”, Domino, Wade/Colossus, Wade/Rusty, everything to do with Brolin’s Cable, Negasonic/Yukio. Just great. But I know not everyone has the same tastes.

Never too late. In any universe where Schmigadoon got 2 seasons, Galavant should have gotten 10. I was fine with Schmigadoon in general, but it was nowhere near the same level of characters or creativity.

It’s interesting because I like the Home Depot hand scanner. I can just point at stuff quickly in my cart, pay, and go. But I have to think that it makes theft real easy, since there is no weighing or other check mechanism and they count on a roving staff member to notice if you actually scanned everything in your

Yeah, I don’t disagree with the decisions on most of these. Sure, Andor and Last of Us deserved more recognition. But while I enjoyed Wednesday, it was not “great” by any means. And Kenobi was just barely serviceable most of the time and downright bad at other times.

Damn it. I actually might have watched this. But that is just one impossibly spider like spider for me to watch this film and not freak out half of the time. Literally ANY other non-human form would probably have worked for me.

So while I agree with you that JJ Abrams deserves a LOT of the credit for how bad those films are, I disagree in that he DOES get a lot of the flak for it. Everyone pretty much trashes what he did with those films.

I guess we will disagree on that. I saw tons of complaints as the second to last season of GoT went along, and it was non-stop carping about the whole last season. The final resolution was just the icing on the cake for most of them.

who voiced the viking chief Stoick the Brave across the animated films,

Well first off, the bias in all g/o media articles has always been a blatant thing. That is nothing new. That said, the first thing I thought as I read this was “aren’t we all aware that all car claims on gas mileage and range are always exaggerated?” I have never owned a car that got the mileage it claimed on the

Nothing FryCook said was actually all that unreasonable or really fit that cartoon.

People seem to forget that the people running the head hacking eventually wound up getting their heads hacked off themselves.

They Full well knew what they were doing.

Come on, your .5% calculation is based on a bunch of assumptions about how they got to that date. If they really did want to set it sometime after the 70's and wanted a symmetrical looking number for the marketing logos and such, 88 is a pretty likely choice. It is a real stretch to say that a 1-4 player mode is

It has been a lot of years since I read the books, but if I recall, no one gave Harry a heads up because everyone believed James had made Sirius the secret keeper and that Sirius had betrayed him. Even Dumbledore found it hard to believe, but that is where the evidence pointed.  And Sirius went to prison believing

Its not going to really impact revenue in any appreciable way in the long run. They will either settle before too long, or they will make some minor change to the blood reading tech and move on along.

Really? How do you mess that up? It is a relatively short chapter from Dracula made into a stand alone film. Or is that the issue?

The Laster Voyage of the Demeter

I don’t understand why this is ANY sort of surprise. Delivery was never offered as some sort of charitable service, or as some sort of work program. It evolved to entice more sales to people who did not want to pick up themselves. As long as that was a net positive to the business, there it was.

I think it is telling that for most of the first 2/3 of this list, I found myself saying “No, THIS one should be at the bottom. No wait... THIS one should definitely be ranked as the worst... no wait...”

Yep, one of my favorite more recent Christmas films. The whole thing feels original and has great characters.