
Same. I was actually intrigued for about 2/3 of the film, and was caught off guard by a revelation around the middle. But by the third act I WAS getting bored however with “and now they fight off some more dinosaurs” and sort of fought the urge to fast forward. Could have been better, but better than I expected for

What I don’t understand is the line as a whole. Aren’t ALL crimes outlawed? Isn’t that what makes them....a crime?

I don’t think it is that weird actually. Most of the other DC stuff was getting trashed as too dark and dreary. WW and Aquaman were fun and bright comparatively, even if Aquaman’s writing was pretty dumb most of the time. Fans responded to it positively for the most part as a result, IMO.

I will probably be in the minority on these comments, but I have no big issue with them making changes. The series is great, but a shot for shot remake is pointless. If you are going to do that, then just don’t and let the original stand (which I am just fine with too). If you ARE going to do a new live action

Yeah, it would not be that hard to say “Hey, remember how we left things with Loki? Yeah, seems like he thwarted Kang there.” and just move on. No one is waiting for more Kang.

Yeah, they have had plenty of time to think on “if guilty, release press release on him being let go, and have 2 or 3 alternatives vetted out by then”. I am sure one of those is “who to simply recast” and others are “what character is the best fit to replace Kang and let us just forget that was the plan”.

Personally I don’t buy that people are dumping on given movies because the “universe” is not working for them. Flash was crap. Shazam 2 was crap. WW 1984 was crap. Black Adam was crap (which is too bad because Pierce Brosnan was a blast (IMO) as Dr. Fate). I never saw Blue Beetle, but the trailers for that did not

The most telling thing is the RT audience score. Currently at 72%. That may seem high, but audience scores for even bad or questionable films are usually above 80%, even when critics hate the film, because the audience is self selecting for people who wanted to see the film.

I know what you are saying in general, but I don’t get that vibe from him in this character at all personally.

Seriously? Or is this just a troll? Also a great fan of the books (all of the ones Herbert wrote himself at least), and he was terrific as Paul. To be fair, we only get the Paul of the 1st half of the 1st book, who is still a minor player who is mostly being swept up by the events around him, but it worked for me in

First, because it never occurred to the writers in the earlier days that it could be someone else. Then later they did not have the balls to do it because they were worried about losing dicks like you as viewers. Seems like the finally decided they were fine with that.

He is 100% correct on the expectations. I assumed they would be in 1938 and Indy would be in the awkward position of keeping him from killing Hitler, because that is the best way to preserve the historical defeat of Germany. Instead, holy fuck we are in 212 BC!

It depends. I see Jackman’s being in Deadpool as more of fulfilling a long running joke that the fans will be into. If he hangs around in the MCU for other more serious films, then maybe you would have a point.

I don’t know why any of this is a mystery at all. Sutskever was leading the charge to oust Altman and led the phone call to fire him. He never considered any heads up to Microsoft, their biggest and most powerful investor. Then, within hours, he joined the angry mob and signed a letter basically stating “whoops, never

Good god that is EVERY movie. I used to bug my wife about it as she put them all on every night. Then she finally threw in the towel as well.

... small towns are hotbeds of resentment and bigotry. To give this story a true small down feeling, they should have trucks rolling coal and Trump flags and signs hanging outside half the houses.

whether or not the aggrieved audience furious at Barerra’s treatment could be courted back after all this, however, remains to be seen.

Thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering where that still was from, or if they had been in the actual special.

So.. since the fact is Ortega was already in talks to leave MONTHS ago, there does not seem to be any actual connection anyway.

The film has gotten so much positive word of mouth since it left that I do feel that a sequel would do better. This article sort of passes over all of the uphill battle this film had to get seen. D&D STILL has an “uncool” rep with most of the general public. My wife is usually game for most fantasy and action fare,