
I have grown up in California (definitely NOT the South) and from a family of cooks who made great cranberry sauce, and all of us STILL had a fondness for that canned sauce on the table. Those little can lines just show you where to slice it.

Thing is, it is not that Herbert did not write strong female characters. Many of the strongest and most powerful characters in the books are female. Chani just isn’t one of them. She is important to Paul, but not really the reader.

So how much of the over the top stuff in the original trailer actually made it to the current film?

your article is basically “current famous person gets part in famous franchise,” thats how its always been.

Except the fact that a declining amount of fan love was cited as part of the problem.

The simple fact is, like a lot of laws, we don’t have solid enforcement of the existing rules. How about, if you have X number of speeding offenses (3?) your license is gone for X years so you don’t kill someone. Get 2 DUI’s? The first one was too many already. More than that you lose your license for X years, or for

Ali seems to be in great shape, and I imagine he can pull off at least 2-3 Blade movies but beyond that?

Yeah... after that trailer I was completly in the mode of “not sure this show will get more than 1 season. Then your comment reminded me that this is supposed to be a film. Yeah....no...this is very doomed as a movie. Morbius levels of doom.

So you nailed every one of my own thoughts on these. As you state, the only one of these I am excited for is the only one that people don’t really think of as a “Marvel movie”.

I thought this episode was outstanding. It easily could have been the show finale. Hell of a thing to toss out there mid-season.

It is kind of funny. I see people who hated the spaghetti episode (“go back to being funny”) and loved the prior two, AND people who loved that episode and think it was the best in a long time. Not a lot of in-between on that one.

So basically this one will focus on Joy and the new characters. The old characters will have greatly reduced roles and were offered low pay. Looks like Black and Smith said ok, Kaling and Hader did not.

If you think about it, Kaling and Hader had the smallest roles in the last one, which heavily focused on Joy and

Exactly. This is not going to end up as “you can’t do that”. I will likely evolve into “you have to compensate the estate if you do”.

Well, like the writers agreement, the 3 years is intentional and not a surprise. The SAG does not want to lock itself into an agreement longer than that so they can continue to adjust as the world changes. So you can’t read much into that as far as the intentions of the agreement.

Well we don’t know if he really was that arrogant, or just said something like “this is not normally my thing, but change my mind”.

True, there was increasing silly and pointless rules (3rd film particulary), but the films were also still a lot of fun and I think most people were quite happy to get the 4 movies we did.

Also, just reread the summary. On the “Carol’s estranged niece” bit, did they have a falling out in a show that I missed, or was that bit just introduced as a character element of this film?

I hate to be Negative Nick here, but, while this IS a better trailer, it very much reads as follows: “OK, remember Endgame? And the original Avengers? That was great right? OK, so think of Captain Marvel with those heroes, mostly forget the other characters are in this story, since we get it that many of you have not

Agree pretty much with your whole assessment, with the one exception that I really liked the 1st season of Loki so I tuned into the second and am happy with season 2 (although it does not mind being confusing at first).

This is not even slightly accurate however. No one is having 10 kids (at least in most of the world) and most developed populations are in decline. Overpopulation is a myth.