
Yeah, none of this sounds that unusual. Don’t want to do petty tasks, don’t work as an assistant for someone with a big ego. The only one I have an issue with is the back scratching. That is just ewww. The rest? That is just the job. Take a different one.

The trailer looks fine. To be honest, this is not a character I am that interested in (sort of a smaller character from a show headed up by one of the lesser Avengers characters). But who knows. Still, the dumping all at once DOES have me a bit suspicious about what they think they have.

EXACTLY my reaction. But the trailer does look pretty sweet.

True on the original leap thing. BUT, since you asked, there IS an explanation for his flight currently.

Yep, keeps staying fresh, does not wear out its welcome, and keeps giving us great stories with each installment.

I know you said you were joking. But I really do think it is simpler than that. Your main characters are chimps. I is pretty easy to make the big strong gorillas the threats. And the orangutans are easy to make the quick leap in people’s minds as the aged, long haired wise ones.

I really enjoyed it as well. Pretty much anyone I knew who watched it seemed to like it and was disappointed with its cancellation. I know you are not supposed to like anything to do with Wheedon on this site anymore, but he was only really involved with the pilot and maybe the second episode. Lots of creative

I do love how, since we have only a few pages to tell a story, at one point a panel simply says that Otto discovered he could move. No how the hell he does it, just “hey now he is over there, now he bounces up the hand rail”. Also how his device not only restores his mind, but also magically removes the need for blood

So.... she is in a profession where she plays various roles. Some of those characters she plays may face adversity in their stories. If that is something that crosses into her personal view of herself, she should not be in that profession.

No Tom Baker? He always seems game for these sorts of things, but then again I am not sure of his health these days.

Lets not be naive here. Drug abuse IS one of the ultimate factors in this case. He trashed his body, was in the hospital dozens of times and had 14 drug related surgeries to save his life from the opioid abuse, and was assumed to not likely to survive multiple times. Later when his heart gives out in a hot tub at a

Sure, I get that. But his claim that anyone who watched them on set might think there was a problem too makes me think there is more truth to it than he is willing to admit. But true, I was not there.

So obviously none of us actually know the guy, and I have no opinion on him personally nor whatever he believes in...

I mean... the new image is odd, but that is just because they are different from other versions and stockier. But I am FAR happier with this new version than the dumb-ass version in the earlier image. They look like a bunch of people heading off to a ren-fair in really bad homemade outfits.

The only one I am mostly intrigued by is Napoleon. Marvels feels like it came and went forever ago. The first Wish trailer had me interested, but the latest one far less so for some reason. I agree with others that the Thanksgiving films looks too different in tone from the original fake one, which makes sense sense

Sounds like they are staying to form. Looking forward to the newest season!

Nothing against Stumptown, but can we just be honest and agree that the sole reason is likely to be that Stumptown will provide their coffee for just a little less in cost to the airline than Starbucks?

The movie DID suck. But it also did extremely well and did not flop, so no one has blamed her for it flopping. The is ALSO terrible in it, but that just goes along with all of the other performances.

Well no one “crowd funded” the release of the notes. Her own legal team submitted the notes on her behalf to bolster her case. They then went into the public record, as does all evidence. They knew that, but decided it was worth submitting them anyway. Then people paid the normal fees to get a copy of the record. To

Compromise my phone, and you’ve got access to every account that relies on it for authentication.