
I honestly have never met anyone who said “I am seeing Avatar because I am sick of Marvel”. To be fair I have not gone out to see it, but most people I know have, and in almost every case it was “I was curious to see what the new one would be like”. There were FAR too many ticket sales for Avatar to just be “defiant

Yeah, I agree with someone else that mentioned J Lo is probably there to insure the comments get going.

You and I are on the same page for almost all of this. I would notch up Buscemi even a bit more than yourself, but I am also personally being influenced by his work on he Sopranos, which does not help for the Oscars.

He then said “Don’t fight in front of White people.” which basically makes all those people saying violence for words is never acceptable look dumb. He only had a problem with time and place.

The amount of effort spent on defending Will Smith’s pathetic, violent and cowardly outburst is hilarious.

Wait. This number does NOT mean that humans avoid crashes 99.999819% of the time. At all. What it means is that 99.999819% of their driving does not involve a crash. But it says NOTHING about what happens when a potential crash situation presents itself. Is the human better than the computer at avoiding an actual

OMG, that is EXACTLY how an article on here about his death would start!

HA! I have not seen the film but that line by a “scientist” is hilarious. Sort of like saying “It looks sort of like a bird, but it is missing the forehead feet”.

On Jupiter Ascending I feel like there is way too much effort here to give the Wachowskis a pass and pin this disaster mostly on Redmayne. Is Redmayne terrible? YES, no disagreement there. But just about EVERYONE is giving the worst performances of their lives, and that goes back to the directors.

I have to TOTALLY disagree about Blomkamp. There is no “return to form”. District 9 IS refreshing and a good romp, which to be fair also probably got a lot of run from the idea that Blomkamp was “discovered” by Peter Jackson. But his “form” turns out to be mostly crap.

Yeah, I was not personally a fan of Hook, but I think it is on this list just to get people to read (which would be silly since I think it is an interesting article in general). Hook has a huge following out there to be honest, and I totally get it.

That piranha tank death was oddly piranhaless. Are we sure she did not simply die of a seizure or something when she hit the water?

it doubles down on J.K. Rowling’s anti-Semitic goblin characters

It doesn’t stop being cruel just because she may not have had the purest of motives for having children, which, true or not, is not the fault of her children!

But WHY recast. Her character was not critical in any way. To be fair, I can’t think of any of the dozens of characters in this show that might call for a recast vs just having them not show up again, aside from Pedro Pascal himself. And even in HIS case you could just have the character never take his mask off again.

To be honest, there is not really news here. It is not like they said “She lobbied us to come back and we absolutely put out foot down. She will never darken our door again!”

Agreed. Toy Story 2 is definitely my favorite of the set.

I took this list as “Third films in a franchise that are good or terrible entries”, not necessarily “the best one”. In that respect IJ3 is a good film and only adds to the world it is in, regardless if you are a bigger fan of others or not.

It’s an odd list. For “best posthumous performances”, we have Ray Liotta, in a movie that has not come out yet and I am pretty sure is not one of the “best performances” of his career. More like, “Random list of movies where someone died before it came out”.

To be honest your complaint is not that uncommon on Andor. The first few episodes ARE very slow and it IS exposition heavy. It does get far more exciting and tense as it goes along, so I would keep going if you are interested enough. But it is totally true that a lot of people either stick with it or drop by episode 3.