Thanks, that makes a lot more sense as to what they were trying to do.
Thanks, that makes a lot more sense as to what they were trying to do.
I chuckled a little.
Now I know that is supposed to be a robot, and I remember reading that they were building a robot for stuff like this. But that just looked like a very stiff mannequin tossed out there.
It comes out in the books that Gendry is not the dummy everyone takes him for and he figured out she was a “she” pretty early on (always needing to take private time to “make water” and lots of other clues).
So tired of this narrative. The season was undeniably rushed but far from bad.
Oh really? I thought both US parks had the Guardians reskin. Shows how long it has been since I was last at Disneyland.
I feel you. I have what are now teenage kids who look back with very fond nostalgia at the Gnomio and Juliet films. I will never understand it.
So it is the opinion of this review, but “not very good” seems a little strong for a film neither of us has seen. I know rotten tomatoes is not a popular site here, but the rating there says 84% of 74 reviews have liked the film, which is pretty strong overall.
We need to pair up Paddington and Ted for some sort of “Road to Lima” adventure.
Just seems hilarious that Kim Cattrall can be replaced by an iPhone at the table.
Get your shit together, people.
I think it is hilarious that Page points out that he understands that people may not get it, and that some people may have a “boo hoo” attitude about it, and you feel the need to pile on with EXACTLY that response. Like “me too, me too, I think this is dumb too!”
Small correction. It is Ginger Liqueur, not Ginger Beer. Probably a big difference in the end flavor, and you wold shake out all the carbonation anyway.
There are a lot of posts trying to blame just he GOP or complaining about people voting republican. But this is NOT a GOP issue. It is not an NRA issue. It is an AMERICAN issue.
Back when Sandy Hook happened, I honestly thought that may have been the horrific straw to finally break the camel’s back and get some…
You do know that Pratt has never voiced any support for Trump, right. He mostly does not say much about anyone, but DID donate a lot as an Obama supporter and his wife is a very vocal Biden supporter, so I don’t know where the evidence for any Trump support comes up.
We’re talking about a comic who has, recently at least, built his brand on transphobic jokes.
So, I have been expecting this to suck, but just about every reviewer on the planet is over the moon on this movie. So it is not like he is going out on left field here.
We don’t even have any final interaction between Marc/Steve and Layla.
REALLY liked most of the show, particularly episode 5. But I will say that the last episode is just some sort of typical big cgi fight scene that suddenly ends like a truck just hitting a wall (even if there is a decent after credits scene). So loved the journey, loved the casting, but the end left me sort of “eh...”
Yep, I’ve never seen someone spend more time running around to actively post negative stuff on something they want everyone to pay LESS attention to.