
but if the grade holds up when I see it, I’ll be disappointed.

Well so we have Wonder Twins and CNN+. I wonder what other ill advised prior projects Warner Bros Discovery is looking to give the quick head lopping to?

Well I would not blame it on being a female writer, but it IS a GoMedia thing. No one ever looked at a snickers bar and associated the chocolate ridges with a dick vein. That headline is just to get some clicks because the site does not think you would click on the story otherwise.

Yep, that one is going to stick.

Yep. The show started out great, and there was some amazing writing and selection of what story to tell. But the last season was just maximized soap opera drivel. And I don’t blame the royal family at all. There is plenty of intriguing stuff to cover without making stuff up wholesale. Have faith in your creative team

So what will happen to Tesla criticism? Likely nothing since Musk is pretty anti-censorship of any kind. And this is coming from someone like myself who has a visceral aversion to Musk and Tesla in particular.

But this is also rich as a concern from a GoMedia platform that routinely greys or bans people on a whim for

This site always seems to turn on what it loved earlier. Not long ago it was “Bill Murray is so cool in how he just randomly shows up at weddings and is funny and down to Earth”, “Look at what a card Bill Murray is with that cool no-look putt at Pebble Beach”, etc. Then he gets a recent story about his behavior on a

Yeah, there is a lot more to this likely, and this just sounds like the most diplomatic statement to make. But who knows.

People have crafted their identities around ANY of the 3 main news networks. All anyone (who care to watch cable news) does anymore is focus on the news that fits their particular bias. In the case of cable, Fox takes the Right, and CNN and MSNBC split the Left depending on how “left” you like your “news”. If you go

Looks like they are going out of their way to let you know this is Season 1 of more to come.

So I don’t support these morons at all, but it turns out this story is a big nothing-burger. No entrances were blocked. The location in that photo is 8 miles from the park, and no kids missed their time with Mickey.

True, but then your only choice is to shop there. So since this article says “avoid meats, produce, and a number of other things”, then it still comes down to “Don’t shop at Walmart, unless you have no choice, in which case, I guess you are stuck.”

I have no idea how this has never occurred to me before. Cool idea.

Yep. 90% of any election is name recognition, and most voters will just say “Hershel Walker? Yeah, I have heard of him” and check the box. The only reason it is even this close at this point is likely because Warnock is the incumbent, so he gets a touch of that too.

There is ZERO value in remaking those films. Even though the movies miss a LOT of the book content and characters, they are still hugely popular. Anyone cast in them would be immediately dealing with comparisons to the old cast and you would not make the same money. Movies do get remade, even popular ones, but I feel

The original Michelin Guide was created by the brothers behind the company as a sort of marketing tool to get people to buy cars and, in turn, car tires.

I have always been a fan of Weinerschnitzel, but I don’t really ever get the hot dogs. I get the corn dogs, which are pretty good. Not Disneyland good, but still good.

Might I suggest the Green Lizard for this occasion as well. Fill a shot glass half with Green Chartreuse and half with Bacardi 151 (or other very high proof rum as that Bacardi is all but impossible to find now). Light the top for a moment to warm it up (careful, the flame will be near invisible unless it is mostly

I like pisco sours, but they tend to be a VERY pale green, when it comes to the subject of the post.

So, obviously that is your right, but you do sort of have to actually consider the toxicology report. Unless you are going to say that they put shrooms in his system some how and then gave him CPR for a while to make sure the toxins circulated around his system and into his brain.