
I chose to see Fury Road this way the second time. Almost worked, but in the end it was too damn distracting for me.

So, not even joking... The only thing I got out of that outburst is that he is likely suicidal and looking for his last shot at blaming others for what he is about to do.

I mean, does it really make a difference when it comes to entertainment? You can either have the subject’s involvement and have a bunch of false stuff to make it entertaining with their blessing (Angelyne, Bohemian Rhapsody,...), or you can keep them out of it to have a bunch of false stuff to make it entertaining, tha

This is barely even a review, it’s just pointing out that there’s Chinese and Canadian elements in it”

To be fair, why? They are both adults and if she is happy with it, good for her.

Yeah, especially as the vast majority of Vodka in the US does not come from Russia.

True, but instead you likely get Russians with limited access to info on the war in the Ukraine just knowing they are out of work and the evil west did it, just like Putin said they would. Inconvenienced Russians are more likely to side WITH Putin as a result, rather than blame him.

Thanks for the simple explanation. I have always been fascinated by something that is totally not a requirement being so popular. Maybe so many Christians/Catholics do it BECAUSE it is a tradition that no one actually pressures you to do.

Yeah, this is more just honest than sullen. I can’t think of an obscure place in this country without a Subway. I just finished a trip around the northeast, and every one of those turnpike stops in several states has a Subway by default. If he wants to grow, Asia makes a lot more sense. Deciding to spend the US money

Now I admit that I bought my first car as a teenager for $500 (a Ford Maverick of all things). But while the “average” might be as high as stated above, right now on a used car listing there are over 300 cars (admittedly 10-15 years old) around me selling for around $3500 or less. Around my son’s college in

So I have YoutubeTV and it is perfect for watching the olympics. You can watch the live broadcast, but you can also just tell it you want all of the sports at the Winter Olympics and it DVRs each one in its entirety and groups them each as their own thing. So you just pick what sport you want to watch and watch it,

So do we even know why he is not signed on yet. They sound like the want him. Did everyone take huge paycuts that he is unwilling to? Or is he deciding “you can’t make this without me” and demanding 3X his prior pay?

Exactly. I was reading all of these replies and thinking “wait, is no one picking up on the obvious sarcasm here”?

I don’t know, not really. Steve Jobs may have been crazy in many ways, but he came across as very charismatic, which is why he commanded those annual announcement stage shows in a way the Tim Cook and others do not. Elon Musk was similar, and people on this site used to rally to his defense and consider him a real

Yes! And oddly, precisely in that order.

Oddly, I often hear “whip-smart” used as feminine, and “smart-as-a-whip” used for masculine. But I don’t think either is used as anything but a positive observation.

Yep, not only all the initial murders to start the episode, but usually 2-3 additional ones per episode to boot. Who knew smaller towns in England could be so creatively violent.

Wow, that’s brutal, especially given Whoopi Goldberg’s history of fiercely defending the Jewish community in all things, including blindly supporting Israel’s treatment of the Palestinians.

Whoopi’s mother thought that a Jewish surname would get her further in Hollywood, so she replaced Johnson with Goldberg.

That probably eliminates a lot of artists from pulling their music.