Loose Stool

You seem reasonable. My comment is directed at the most absurd of feminists, who flat out lie that women are ever sidelined by menstraution.

yeah, I know you called me a wanker. I read it.

I’m guessing you’re distracted too, since you’re far off topic and eating your time replying to me with an off topic comment.

Oh, nobody needs anyone. I agree with you there.

Sure they are. They simply chose not to, right?

You keep excusing women like they’re special and pretending your favoritism isn’t sexism. You keep telling yourself that keep telling yourself you're on the side of equality

Yahweh knew.

I don’t think I've met a single woman with a normal cycle.

I’m familiar with endometrial physiology.

I’m more liberal than you’ve ever been, sod.


Believing people you disagree with “hate” you is narcissistic.

You’re not paying attention.

The ladies talk a big game about empathy but never fail to show any when a simple scenario is provided.

Uh, again, traditionally, the heaviest burdens of society don’t fall on your shoulders. You don’t have to work in steel mills, you don’t have to dig ditches, you don’t have to die in combat.

Clearly not, because women can’t.

Give me hell this year. Cubbies are going all the way this year.

I’m leaving in a few years wife’s family is in Atlanta. Never lived anywhere else but Chicago(land)


ROFLMAO. Fucking broads. Guys can’t do anything right, can they? Lol.