Dread Cthulhu

I think it'd be kind of a wasted opportunity if they didn't! Cinnabon Gene was an appropriate ending for Saul Goodman, human cockroach, but not Jimmy McGill. He deserves a redemption arc, damnit!

I think 4 definitely gives 2 a run for its money.

Chili's! It's a pun! Haha!

Noooooo, David Bowie would make an excellent Dream and now I'm sad.

Yeah, Jake doesn't start with motivation, but he always has motivation for the plot at hand. First it's sorting out Harry the janitor's past, then it's integrating into 60s life and falling in love, and then it's trying to crack Oswald as a person and figure out what's really going on. Sure, there's no greater "I

I would argue that Adam Baldwin is a gigantic piece of shit; Nick Searcy is just an asshole.

King probably has a lower than average success rate on endings because of his writing style. He doesn't plan ahead and lets the story go where the characters take him, so his endings can get sloppy.

hand o' gawd

It's very much in the King style of "here's a totally new idea for a few pages, now the book's over, fuck you," but I didn't mind as much because

That's an extremely surface-level view of McCarthy, friendo.

Sometimes I eat a banana and throw away the peel and think what a waste! Anyway, I need a loan.

High Maintenance is by far the best weed-themed entertainment around. All of you should watch it! All of you should watch it right now!

Jean Baptiste was supposed to have a far bigger role, but apparently the actor didn't like shooting the show so they wrote him out. At least he further tanked the weakest season of the show instead of pulling that shit in Season 2!

Well, Hardy was going on about his process and wanting to find the reality in characters, and then you have Bane, who's something of a cartoon — seeing how Hardy approached that role was really interesting to me.

"I was so paranoid that I would be screaming, “You fucker!” in genuine paranoid fear that I was drowning, I was so looped on this marijuana."


You can blame both of those on Hank's concussion!

"(Presumably, it’s about all the shocking drama of two people trying to get some TV producing done in between their busy lives playing video games together.)"

I got the sense, with Simone, that Mike cared about her so little that he was happier amusing himself with philosophical ramblings than actually engaging her.